How to make a mesh or 3d model?

I’m working on the chromebook and I can’t figure out how to make a mesh/3D model can someone help.

Go to or download Blender. You’ll have to find tutorials on YouTube as to how to use these tools 'cuz i’m not too good at explaining.

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Put your chromebook in developer mode:

Install linux on your chromebook:

Open terminal and run sudo apt-get install blender and run it.

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As @AmbushGames suggests, is a good options for Chromebook users. A couple of other suggestions:

SculptGL is quite fun, although only really good for building quite organic structures.

Also, don’t forget that you can obtain ready-made models from a number of sources too. There’s a User Manual page on finding assets as it happens.

And finally, there’s the PlayCanvas Asset Store too.

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