[SOLVED] How to get text input from user and store in a variable

prompt will pop up a small window with a small input text where the user will write. evandarcy just made a couple of type errors.

var input = prompt("Enter input: ");

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Oops! My bad. Forgot to close that string.

So how can i store the written text in a varaiable

I’m assuming that the prompt will save the response that the person types into it.

Yes thank you i figured it out .

Hey how do I make it so it does a specific thing based on what you entered?

If you have the input stored in a variable check it’s value and execute an action in response

if( inputValue === 'Go to end level'){
   // e.g. fire an event
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I tried it and it does the same thing no matter what I enter

How is your set up? What do you use to get the text input of the user?

I mis worded it sorry it works as in it only fire when I input one of my commands but it also fires when I enter any of the other commands

HERE is my code

There is a typo in the loadScene of the ‘public’ part. Also you do the same in both parts. So where do you change the sceneName?

I have it as sconeName so that it doesn’t load the same scene

I think your current setup is incorrect. Try to replace your script with the script below. (Don’t forget to back-up your own script somewhere).

var Ui2 = pc.createScript('ui2');

// initialize code called once per entity
Ui2.prototype.initialize = function() {
   var input = prompt("Enter MATCH CODE ");
   if (input === 'TEST') {
       var self = this;
       setTimeout(function (){ 
        }, 0.1);
    if (input === 'PUBLIC') {
        setTimeout(function (){ 
            self.loadScene('BR ISLAND');
        }, 0.1);

// update code called every frame
Ui2.prototype.loadScene = function (sceneName) {
    // Get a reference to the scene's root object
    var oldHierarchy = this.app.root.findByName ('Root');
    // Get the path to the scene
    var scene = this.app.scenes.find(sceneName);
    // Load the scenes entity hierarchy
    this.app.scenes.loadSceneHierarchy(scene.url, function (err, parent) {
        if (!err) {
        } else {

The Test Command Is Working Great But The Public Command Is Not

[ui2.js?id=46102747&branchId=722e806b-90af-4767-8829-42f1605b9f52:16]: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘loadScene’ of undefined

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘loadScene’ of undefined
at https://launch.playcanvas.com/api/assets/files/Scripts/ui2.js?id=46102747&branchId=722e806b-90af-4767-8829-42f1605b9f52:16:18

Can I see your project please?



I don’t see anything wrong. Can you try to load a different scene?


Same error

I see what is the problem. Your variable self is not defined in the second setTimeout. An alternative for your ‘self solution’ is the way below.

    }.bind(this), 1);
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It Worked Thank You

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