I added a checkpoint as object then made a script. It should work like this:
When player are in the checkpoint it should respawn a object.
I added the coordinates for the object to be spawned in but the object still doesnt spawn and i get no errors when launching the game.
var ObjectSpawner = pc.createScript('objectSpawner');
// Initialize the script
ObjectSpawner.prototype.initialize = function() {
// Set the position for spawning the object
var spawnPosition = new pc.Vec3(2.096, -2.846, -1.557); // Replace with your desired spawn position
var objectName = 'barricade_smallWarehouse-2_0'; // Name of the object you want to spawn (use your actual model name)
// Spawn the object immediately on initialization
this.spawnObject(spawnPosition, objectName);
// Function to spawn an object
ObjectSpawner.prototype.spawnObject = function(position, objectName) {
// Create a new entity for the spawned object
var spawnedObject = new pc.Entity(objectName);
// Add a model component (ensure the asset name is correct)
spawnedObject.addComponent('model', {
asset: this.app.assets.find(objectName + 'barricade_smallWarehouse-2_0') // Use your model name here (e.g., 'checkpoint.glb')
// Add the new entity to the scene
console.log('Object spawned at position:', position); // Log spawn position
// Optional update function (if needed)
ObjectSpawner.prototype.update = function(dt) {
// Any logic to run every frame can be added here if needed