How to access external database

Hello, studing to find a solution for the topic i bumped in CORS method and found this article does anyone used CORS to solve cross domain troubles? I will try it out and see if can get it to work but not sure how it works so any help is welcome.

CORS is not the thing you “use”.
It is usually referred to issues related to browsers security limitations which are driven by headers of a response.

So you just need to add some extra headers on your server that you requesting against, and it will simply work.
It is not related to database either :slight_smile:

Thanks Max, i see, but since never done something like that i have to try it, reading the article i referred to in the previous post, if i will succeed i will post a tutorial.

Experimentation - is the way to get familiar and crack it down :slight_smile:

Yes i know…and to crack things is my speciality :smiley:

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