How do I make first person movement?

Omg you are the creator of Cursed life!!!


Yes, I actually am.

You are amazing

Your welcome. Have fun!

how do i add jump

Hello @thebosser24
I think this thread should help. How To Make Script That Allows Player To Jump?

1 Like

I actually love you.

i wanna add guns

Hello @thebosser24

I think my game should do about it.

how do I add my network script to my root entity?

Kind of like multiplayer?

And how do i add model withoout paying $600 a month(Im On cromebook)


You don’t have to pay, if you want models or create
Create models:
Get models for free:

but how do i add the network to my Root entity?
Yes i am making multiplayer, im making it pretty good before i publish it

do i make a script and copy&paste it

What do i do

For multiplayer are you using the tutorial?

yes, but it just says “Add the Network script to the root entity” and I don’t know how to do that

Take all scripts from that link I gave you.