How can I have one script inherit/derived from another?

Hope this don’t sound to stupid but kinda new to javascript, what I want to do is build an entity based on mostly one script … this script should inherit all functions and variables from another script from any directory from any file.

A very basic example …

var Ship = pc.createScript('Ship');

// Base object for any entity floating on water

// initialize code called once per entity
Ship.prototype.initialize = function() { = "Hello from Ship";

// update code called every frame
Ship.prototype.update = function(dt) {

now in another file I have this …

var Carrier= pc.createScript('Carrier');

// Can I some how extend Sip?
Carrier = new pc.script.ship(); // nope
Carrier = new Object.create(Ship); // nope
Carrier = new Ship(); // nope
ect ...

// initialize code called once per entity
Carrier.prototype.initialize = function() {

// update code called every frame
Carrier.prototype.update = function(dt) {

I guess what I’m getting at is as I build functionality I find myself attaching many scripts to my entities, creating clutter … I’m assuming there is a way to break this all down into base objects and build from there. So if I created a Carrier entity all I’d have to do is attach the Carrier script to the entity there for inheriting all the functions and var from Ship.

Thanks !!!

@phmenard can you please the answer of your own question if you solved it and got your answer?
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