Hello people of Playcanvas

Hello everyone! My name is Nate Garland and I need some help.
You see, I am making a project that is important not just to me but to many people. It seems silly that a video game is important, but this is no ordinary game. Here me out ok. My goal with this message is to in some way inspire a group of people to fix a broken game that brought coy and creativity to so many. The game is Minecraft. I know some of you don’t care about the game, and I completely understand that, but why don’t you care? Is it boring? Does it not meet your expectations? Does it feel the same every time you play? These are the reasons why I want to remake a game like Minecraft. I want to make it fun for everyone. Minecraft was popular due to the fact it was free and always a new experience. It is not the same anymore.

I don’t want to make a lame ripoff. I want to make it better than the original. I hope there are people out there who can assist with an incredible project. I don’t use Javascript often, so I don’t know much. I use Python and HTML(which should not count) but I can do the special effects such as lighting and mob animation.

I have techniques for this that will make the game run and look better, but I don’t know how to do it in Javascript. Mojang said his game is dying, a game I grew up with, I’m not going to let that happen. I want to make Minecraft great again.
But I cant to it alone.

My Playcanvas name is FUNOUTBACK, I can give you full ownership of the project. We can work on it together and If you contribute to the project I will include you in the game. I am for the most part unavailable over the weekends.

I would like to give a special shoutout to Kurios for the foundation of the project, and Codeknight999 for being the first to contribute.

Discoshon link here: Terrain Help
My profile: Nathaniel_Garland
Thank you for your time.