Have anybody used Text Element with Chinese Font successfully? I can't

I have tried many times ,but failed .I used font which is copy from my Windows System (Win 10).I am sure there are Chinese words in the Font ,but it don’t show up in PlayCanvas
Somebody help me?

@jamesyoung @vaios @dave Somebody help me? hurry~

Any chance you’re putting a lot of characters in the font asset? Not all Chinese fonts work not sure why yet but you can try some different ones.

I tried four different fonts, I am sure that the Chinese font is included, Do you know why?
thanks in advance

You could send the fonts you tried so we can have a look at them tomorrow. I don’t know what the problem is.

oh,I forgot you went to bed, It’s still noon in China,thank you, Good night!

I don’t think it’s a font problem,I tried a lot of fonts

You see that, Chinese does not display but English is displayed!

On the font asset, have you added the Chinese characters into the ‘characters’ field? Be warned, the more characters that you add, the large the text asset texture will be.

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Yeah,I got it. But there are too many Chinese characters . I failed to add 2,000 commonly used Chinese characters,We can only try something else, thank you very much~

There is no specific limit but the current system cannot handle too many characters. We will fix that though.