Hand/Finger Tracking

Hey there,
How to use Hand tracking in playcanvas in VR. I’ve hand models with bones. How do I make the fingers work in immersive VR in my game. Do we have any project for that?

Thanks in advance.

Example of finger/hand tracking here: https://developer.playcanvas.com/en/tutorials/webxr-hands/

Will has an example with skinned hands here: https://playcanvas.com/project/771952/overview/vr-hands

Hi @yaustar, Thanks for the reply.
In the first link, in VR mode, I’m getting cubes as controllers.
When I enter VR mode in the second link, I cannot see either hands or controllers in the scene
P.S: I’m using Oculus Quest 2 for testing these links.

Have you got hand tracking enabled on the Quest? And is it enabled when trying the links above? They won’t show the hands unless the Quest has ‘disabled’ the controllers.

hi @yaustar ,
In the VR hands project (2nd link), I’m getting this error when I exit the VR mode. Also during VR mode, the aligment of fingers and wrist is not proper. Any idea on how to get proper hand structure.

launch.js:15178 TypeError: Cannot read property 'parent' of null
    at XrJoint._updateTransforms (playcanvas.dbg.js?version=1.49.3:41678)
    at XrJoint.getPosition (playcanvas.dbg.js?version=1.49.3:41688)
    at scriptType.VrHand.update (vr-hand.js?id=60615443&branchId=ca94d402-af50-4f49-b0f3-dc886c4e918c:42)
    at ScriptComponent._scriptMethod (playcanvas.dbg.js?version=1.49.3:64035)
    at ScriptComponent._onUpdate (playcanvas.dbg.js?version=1.49.3:64080)
    at ScriptComponentSystem._callComponentMethod (playcanvas.dbg.js?version=1.49.3:64645)
    at ScriptComponentSystem._onUpdate (playcanvas.dbg.js?version=1.49.3:64662)
    at ComponentSystemRegistry.fire (playcanvas.dbg.js?version=1.49.3:796)
    at Application.update (playcanvas.dbg.js?version=1.49.3:71180)

Ensure that controllers are set to disable when put down:

Looks like that project is broken :thinking: It’s a personal project by @will , maybe it needs updating?

Thanks for your reply.
I’m getting hands for the first project.
Can we fix the second project, since we are working on keeping hand controls for our game along with controllers.

This one has skinned hands: WebXR Controller/Hand Models | Learn PlayCanvas

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