GLB & FBX Collision Loading Speed Different?

I don’t know why, but It seems like when using glb as collision is much slower than using fbx.

when using really heavy collision model that has lots of vertice with one mesh instance, it took almost a 2 minute to load (I started timer a bit late)

but when using same model as collision in fbx, it took a minute to load, which is twice faster than loading it as gltf

I found this funny because my option for converting fbx to glb is on, so I’m basically loading 2 glb file with same model but different speed.

Do anyone know why this is happening? is there any steps in converting fbx to glb that makes loading speed faster?

I don’t have an answer to your question. But this got merged in few days ago: Mesh collision improvements by LeXXik · Pull Request #5818 · playcanvas/engine · GitHub

which is a large speed up of collision mesh generation (10x or so), which should help here when the next engine release is done.

Thank you. looking forward to it.

Considering your loading times, even if it will load faster, the simulation won’t be great. It seems to be too high poly, which doesn’t work great in physics engines. You want to have a different model for physics, which is much more simplified.

Thanks, but this was for testing which file format is more appropriate for loading. And I also found out if mesh instances are more seperated, loading time decreases but fps drops, and if mesh instaces are more integrated, loading time increases but fps seems to stabilize. Do anyone know why this is happening?

What do you mean by “mesh instances are more separated”?