Getting Errors in my custom shader

I am working on PlayCanvas. Here, I am in need to write some custom shader. I studied various tutorials and examples for custom shaders and wrote the code as below -

custom-shader.js -

var CustomShader = pc.createScript(‘customShader’);
CustomShader.attributes.add(‘vs’, {
type: ‘asset’,
assetType: ‘shader’,
title: ‘Vertex Shader’
CustomShader.attributes.add(‘fs’, {
type: ‘asset’,
assetType: ‘shader’,
title: ‘Fragment Shader’
CustomShader.attributes.add(‘diffuseMap’, {
type: ‘asset’,
assetType: ‘texture’,
title: ‘Diffuse Map’
CustomShader.attributes.add(‘alphaMap’, {
type: ‘asset’,
assetType: ‘texture’,
title: ‘Alpha Map’

CustomShader.prototype.initialize = function() {

var app =;
var model = this.entity.model.model;
var gd = app.graphicsDevice;

var vertexShader = this.vs.resource;
var fragmentShader = "precision " + gd.precision + " float;\n";
fragmentShader = fragmentShader + this.fs.resource;

var shaderDefinition = {
    attributes: {
        rm_Vertex: pc.SEMANTIC_POSITION,
        rm_TexCoord0: pc.SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD0,
        rm_Normal: pc.SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD0
    vshader: vertexShader,
    fshader: fragmentShader

this.shader = new pc.Shader(gd, shaderDefinition);

this.material = new pc.Material();

this.material.setParameter('time', 0);
this.material.setParameter('waveScale', 0.5);
this.material.setParameter('stiffness', 2.75);
this.material.setParameter('colorStart', [0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0]);
this.material.setParameter('colorEnd', [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]);
this.material.setParameter('layersCount', 20);
this.material.setParameter('layerThickness', 0.16);
this.material.setParameter('alphaMap', this.alphaMap.resource);
this.material.setParameter('diffuseMap', this.diffuseMap.resource);
//this.material.setParameter('view_proj_matrix', 0);
model.meshInstances[0].material = this.material;


CustomShader.prototype.update = function(dt) {
this.time += dt;
// Bounce value of t 0->1->0
var t = (this.time % 2);
if (t > 1) {
t = 1 - (t - 1);
// Update the time value in the material
this.material.setParameter(‘time’, t);

Fragment_Shader -

precision highp float;
varying vec2 vTexCoord0;
varying vec4 vAO;

uniform sampler2D diffuseMap;
uniform sampler2D alphaMap;

//out vec4 fragColor;

void main()
vec4 diffuseColor = texture(diffuseMap, vTexCoord0);
float alphaColor = texture(alphaMap, vTexCoord0).r;
fragColor = diffuseColor * vAO;
fragColor.a *= alphaColor;

Vertex_Shader -

precision highp float;
attribute vec4 rm_Vertex;
attribute vec2 rm_TexCoord0;
attribute vec3 rm_Normal;

uniform mat4 view_proj_matrix;
uniform float layerThickness;
uniform float layersCount;
uniform vec4 colorStart;
uniform vec4 colorEnd;
uniform float time;
uniform float waveScale;
uniform float stiffness;

varying vec2 vTexCoord0;
varying vec4 vAO;

float PI2 = 6.2831852;
float RANDOM_COEFF_1 = 0.1376;
float RANDOM_COEFF_2 = 0.3726;
float RANDOM_COEFF_3 = 0.2546;

void main( void )
float f = float(gl_InstanceID + 1) * layerThickness;
float layerCoeff = float(gl_InstanceID) / layersCount;
vec4 vertex = rm_Vertex + vec4(rm_Normal, 0.0) * vec4(f, f, f, 0.0);
float timePi2 = time * PI2;
float waveScaleFinal = waveScale * pow(layerCoeff, stiffness);

vertex.x += sin(timePi2 + ((rm_Vertex.x+rm_Vertex.y+rm_Vertex.z) * RANDOM_COEFF_1)) * waveScaleFinal;
vertex.y += cos(timePi2 + ((rm_Vertex.x-rm_Vertex.y+rm_Vertex.z) * RANDOM_COEFF_2)) * waveScaleFinal;
vertex.z += sin(timePi2 + ((rm_Vertex.x+rm_Vertex.y-rm_Vertex.z) * RANDOM_COEFF_3)) * waveScaleFinal;
gl_Position = view_proj_matrix * vertex;
vTexCoord0 = vec2(rm_TexCoord0);
vAO = mix(colorStart, colorEnd, layerCoeff);


When I am adding the above custom shader script to the entity in my game, getting the following errors -

ERROR: Failed to compile vertex shader
ERROR: 0:25: ‘gl_InstanceID’ : undeclared identifier
ERROR: 0:25: ‘+’ : wrong operand types - no operation ‘+’ exists that takes a left-hand operand of type ‘const highp float’ and a right operand of type ‘const int’ (or there is no acceptable conversion)
ERROR: 0:26: ‘gl_InstanceID’ : undeclared identifier

ERROR: Failed to compile fragment shader
ERROR: 0:13: ‘texture’ : no matching overloaded function found
ERROR: 0:13: ‘=’ : dimension mismatch
ERROR: 0:13: ‘=’ : cannot convert from ‘const mediump float’ to 'highp 4-component vector of float’
ERROR: 0:14: ‘texture’ : no matching overloaded function found
ERROR: 0:14: ‘r’ : field selection requires structure or vector on left hand side
ERROR: 0:15: ‘fragColor’ : undeclared identifier
ERROR: 0:15: ‘assign’ : l-value required (can’t modify a const)
ERROR: 0:15: ‘=’ : dimension mismatch
ERROR: 0:15: ‘assign’ : cannot convert from ‘highp 4-component vector of float’ to 'const highp float’
ERROR: 0:16: ‘fragColor’ : undeclared identifier
ERROR: 0:16: ‘a’ : field selection requires structure or vector on left hand side
ERROR: 0:16: ‘assign’ : l-value required (can’t modify a const)

ERROR: Failed to link shader program. Error: invalid shaders

It’s going over my head now. I have never ever done shader programing. I thought it would be easy but these shaders have taken my sleeps away. Please help me out of this code.
Thanks in advance!

First of all, you should try to structure your code here a little bit better, so it is more easily readable.
There are many error, as you can see at the end when the program tries to link your shaders. Honestly, you should just go line by line and figure out the problem.

For example - ERROR: 0:25: ‘gl_InstanceID’ : undeclared identifier - You must use gl.DrawArraysInstanced or gl.DrawArraysInstanced, but I am not sure that it is supported.

ERROR: 0:13: ‘=’ : cannot convert from ‘const mediump float’ to 'highp 4-component vector of float’ - looks like you are trying to assing a float variable to vec4.

ERROR: 0:13: ‘texture’ : no matching overloaded function found - you must use texture2D()

ERROR: 0:15: ‘fragColor’ : undeclared identifier - you must use gl_FragColor

ERROR: 0:16: ‘assign’ : l-value required (can’t modify a const) - might be caused by using fragColor and assigning some value into it before initializing the variable.

Thanks Karel_Otruba. Got all other issues solved but still getting this issue -
ERROR: 0:25: ‘gl_InstanceID’ : undeclared identifier

Tried gl.DrawArraysInstanced in place of gl_InstanceID but still getting these errors -
ERROR: 0:25: ‘gl’ : undeclared identifier
ERROR: 0:25: ‘DrawArraysInstanced’ : field selection requires structure or vector on left hand side
ERROR: 0:25: ‘+’ : wrong operand types - no operation ‘+’ exists that takes a left-hand operand of type ‘const highp float’ and a right operand of type ‘const int’ (or there is no acceptable conversion)

Nonono, you cannot use gl.DrawArraysInstanced inside a shader program :slight_smile: I recommend you to google gl_InstanceID and read up a few lines about this vertex shader attribute.