Folders for Projects view

I would like to propose a suggestion: add folders to the Projects view. It would be nice to have a way to organize a growing number of projects. Another option, could be extending the current filters, like “private” or “mine”, to give us an option to assign custom tags to projects, which would turn into filters and could be selected from the left menu.


That would be very useful indeed, it will make that big list easy to navigate. Especially on org accounts.

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This would truly be great

Is there any news about this? I would really appreciate it if it were possible to organize projects in folders. I have projects that I am working on, I have projects that I use as example and I have projects that I create as example for others. Everything together a big mess.

No further advancement on this unfortunately. We are hiring for another frontend or backend person so that we can have some more focus on the Editor and the surrounding platform.


Bump this up please. I’m scrolling hours looking for the right project. :sob:

Wow looks amazing! thanks

@Cires you may want to give our beta dashboard a try at PlayCanvas | HTML5 Game Engine

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I have seen previews of this dashboard before. Really nice and hope to see it in the improvements for the new year.