Fetch Image and Videos from server instead of cache

I know its a general topic to ask and has noting much related to playcanvas.
So usually what i do after finishing the project is , I take a build and host it on my own server, and then i run it on my browser and it works fine. Now lets say i get an update to change an image in the project and I do that, and i take a new fresh build , host it on my server and run it on my browser , i notice that the updated image is not reflecting on my browser until I hard refresh it.
Now the problem is clear that the image is being fetched from the cache instead of the server where its actually hosted.

I went through many forums and most of them has mentioned to add no-cache tags and other stuffs to the head of the html file, And i did that, but honestly i still don’t see the new image until I hard refresh the browser.
This is what i used, but it dint workout.
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">

2nd method what was mentioned in forums was to "Just put a random parameter at the end of the image URL. "
Like this <img src="https://abc/img.png?random=RANDOM_VAL" />
But how will i do it in the build file(as index.html is quite a big file inside playcanvas’s build) and even if i do , i would have to do it for all the images that i am updating(would be problematic if i have bunch of images ).

So is there anything that i can do inside playcnavas or is there any way to ease out this process and make sure the files(images, videos etc) are fetched from the server every time and not from the cache without hard refreshing the browser( as i cant expect my users to know that they are suppose to clear the cache or hard refresh the browser).

Thanx and sorry for such a long post​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Guys any help? :sweat_smile:

While the index.html file might not be getting cached, all of the other resources that are downloaded separately (by the js loading) likely do not have the same cache control headers:

Check you server’s configuration to ensure that all of the files being served also contain that header, though do understand that this could raise performance concerns for the server if your page get particularly popular from repeat users.

Thanx, I updated the .htaccess file in the server by adding this

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
Header set Pragma "no-cache"
Header set Expires 0