Failed to compile vertex shader

I try to launch this project

it just ‘default box’ but my Chrome on Linux refused to even launch it from scratch.
Failed to compile vertex shader:

1:	attribute vec3 vertex_position;
2:	uniform mat4 matrix_model;
3:	uniform mat4 matrix_viewProjection;
4:	vec3 dPositionW;
5:	mat4 dModelMatrix;
6:	mat4 getModelMatrix() {
7:	return matrix_model;
8:	}
9:	vec4 getPosition() {
10:	dModelMatrix = getModelMatrix();
11:	vec4 posW = dModelMatrix * vec4(vertex_position, 1.0);
12:	dPositionW =;
13:	return matrix_viewProjection * posW;
14:	}
15:	vec3 getWorldPosition() {
16:	return dPositionW;
17:	}
18:	void main(void)
19:	{
20:	gl_Position = getPosition();
21:	}

OS: Linux 64-bit, Kubuntu
Chrome: 64-bit, 61.0.3163.100
VGA: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 520.

Is that all that’s shown in the JS console? Normally, you’d see the actual error after the GLSL code listing. I can’t actually see anything wrong with that GLSL from visual inspection and the scene runs fine on my laptop (Win10).

playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:4105 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'shaderSource' on 'WebGL2RenderingContext': parameter 1 is not of type 'WebGLShader'.
    at createShader (playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:4105)
    at new Shader (playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:4123)
    at ProgramLibrary.getProgram (playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:4262)
    at Func.updateShader (playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:13225)
    at ForwardRenderer.renderForward (playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:10355)
    at ForwardRenderer.render (playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:10839)
    at Application.render (playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:20464)
    at playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:20779

error from console

same project works on other laptop, same OS, Chrome, but Nvidia GPU instead of Intel

Sorry, maybe I didn’t explain properly. I need the full output to the JavaScript console. So I just picked a random project where it defines a custom shader and I removed a semi-colon from the end of one of the lines. This generates the following output:

playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:345 Powered by PlayCanvas 0.216.5 b31e1ce
messenger.js:80 messenger connected
launch.js:7208 ERROR:   Failed to compile fragment shader:

1:	#version 300 es
2:	#define varying in
3:	out highp vec4 pc_fragColor;
4:	#define gl_FragColor pc_fragColor
5:	#define texture2D texture
6:	#define textureCube texture
7:	#define texture2DProj textureProj
8:	#define texture2DLodEXT textureLod
9:	#define texture2DProjLodEXT textureProjLod
10:	#define textureCubeLodEXT textureLod
11:	#define texture2DGradEXT textureGrad
12:	#define texture2DProjGradEXT textureProjGrad
13:	#define textureCubeGradEXT textureGrad
14:	#define GL2
15:	precision highp float;
16:	#ifdef GL2
17:	precision highp sampler2DShadow;
18:	#endif
19:	varying vec3 vPositionW;
20:	varying vec3 vNormalW;
21:	varying vec3 vTangentW;
22:	varying vec3 vBinormalW;
23:	varying vec2 vUV0_1;
25:	uniform vec3 view_position;
26:	uniform vec3 light_globalAmbient;
27:	float square(float x) {
28:	    return x*x;
29:	}
30:	float saturate(float x) {
31:	    return clamp(x, 0.0, 1.0);
32:	}
33:	vec3 saturate(vec3 x) {
34:	    return clamp(x, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0));
35:	}
36:	vec4 dReflection;
37:	mat3 dTBN;
38:	vec3 dAlbedo;
39:	vec3 dNormalW;
40:	vec3 dViewDirW;
41:	vec3 dReflDirW;
42:	vec3 dDiffuseLight;
43:	vec3 dSpecularLight;
44:	vec3 dNormalMap;
45:	vec3 dSpecularity;
46:	float dGlossiness;
47:	float dAlpha;
49:	vec3 unpackNormal(vec4 nmap) {
50:	    return * 2.0 - 1.0;
51:	}
52:	uniform sampler2D texture_normalMap;
53:	uniform float material_bumpiness;
55:	uniform vec2 layer1_offset;
56:	uniform vec2 layer2_offset;
58:	void getNormal() {
59:	    vec3 normalMap = unpackNormal(texture2D(texture_normalMap, vUV0_1 + layer1_offset));
60:	    vec3 normalMap2 = unpackNormal(texture2D(texture_normalMap, vUV0_1 * 4.0 + layer2_offset));
61:	    vec3 normalMap3 = unpackNormal(texture2D(texture_normalMap, vUV0_1 * 0.25));
63:	    normalMap = normalize(vec3(normalMap3.xy + normalMap.xy, normalMap3.z * normalMap.z));
64:	    normalMap = normalize(vec3(normalMap.xy + normalMap2.xy, normalMap.z * normalMap2.z));
66:	    dNormalMap = normalMap;
67:	    dNormalW = dTBN * normalMap
68:	}
69:	void getTBN() {
70:	    dTBN = mat3(normalize(vTangentW), normalize(vBinormalW), normalize(vNormalW));
71:	}
72:	vec3 gammaCorrectInput(vec3 color) {
73:	    return pow(color, vec3(2.2));
74:	}
75:	float gammaCorrectInput(float color) {
76:	    return pow(color, 2.2);
77:	}
78:	vec4 gammaCorrectInput(vec4 color) {
79:	    return vec4(pow(color.rgb, vec3(2.2)), color.a);
80:	}
81:	vec4 texture2DSRGB(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv) {
82:	    vec4 rgba = texture2D(tex, uv);
83:	    rgba.rgb = gammaCorrectInput(rgba.rgb);
84:	    return rgba;
85:	}
86:	vec4 textureCubeSRGB(samplerCube tex, vec3 uvw) {
87:	    vec4 rgba = textureCube(tex, uvw);
88:	    rgba.rgb = gammaCorrectInput(rgba.rgb);
89:	    return rgba;
90:	}
91:	vec3 gammaCorrectOutput(vec3 color) {
92:	#ifdef HDR
93:	    return color;
94:	#else
95:	    color += vec3(0.0000001);
96:	    return pow(color, vec3(0.45));
97:	#endif
98:	}
99:	const float A =  0.15;
100:	const float B =  0.50;
101:	const float C =  0.10;
102:	const float D =  0.20;
103:	const float E =  0.02;
104:	const float F =  0.30;
105:	const float W =  11.2;
106:	uniform float exposure;
107:	vec3 uncharted2Tonemap(vec3 x) {
108:	   return ((x*(A*x+C*B)+D*E)/(x*(A*x+B)+D*F))-E/F;
109:	}
110:	vec3 toneMap(vec3 color) {
111:	    color = uncharted2Tonemap(color * exposure);
112:	    vec3 whiteScale = 1.0 / uncharted2Tonemap(vec3(W,W,W));
113:	    color = color * whiteScale;
114:	    return color;
115:	}
116:	vec3 addFog(vec3 color) {
117:	    return color;
118:	}
119:	vec3 decodeRGBM(vec4 rgbm) {
120:	    vec3 color = (8.0 * rgbm.a) * rgbm.rgb;
121:	    return color * color;
122:	}
123:	vec3 texture2DRGBM(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv) {
124:	    return decodeRGBM(texture2D(tex, uv));
125:	}
126:	vec3 textureCubeRGBM(samplerCube tex, vec3 uvw) {
127:	    return decodeRGBM(textureCube(tex, uvw));
128:	}
129:	vec3 fixSeams(vec3 vec, float mipmapIndex) {
130:	    float scale = 1.0 - exp2(mipmapIndex) / 128.0;
131:	    float M = max(max(abs(vec.x), abs(vec.y)), abs(vec.z));
132:	    if (abs(vec.x) != M) vec.x *= scale;
133:	    if (abs(vec.y) != M) vec.y *= scale;
134:	    if (abs(vec.z) != M) vec.z *= scale;
135:	    return vec;
136:	}
137:	vec3 fixSeams(vec3 vec) {
138:	    float scale = 1.0 - 1.0 / 128.0;
139:	    float M = max(max(abs(vec.x), abs(vec.y)), abs(vec.z));
140:	    if (abs(vec.x) != M) vec.x *= scale;
141:	    if (abs(vec.y) != M) vec.y *= scale;
142:	    if (abs(vec.z) != M) vec.z *= scale;
143:	    return vec;
144:	}
145:	vec3 fixSeamsStatic(vec3 vec, float invRecMipSize) {
146:	    float scale = invRecMipSize;
147:	    float M = max(max(abs(vec.x), abs(vec.y)), abs(vec.z));
148:	    if (abs(vec.x) != M) vec.x *= scale;
149:	    if (abs(vec.y) != M) vec.y *= scale;
150:	    if (abs(vec.z) != M) vec.z *= scale;
151:	    return vec;
152:	}
153:	vec3 cubeMapProject(vec3 dir) {
154:	    return dir;
155:	}
156:	vec3 processEnvironment(vec3 color) {
157:	    return color;
158:	}
159:	uniform vec3 material_diffuse;
160:	void getAlbedo() {
161:	    dAlbedo = material_diffuse.rgb;
162:	}
163:	uniform vec3 material_emissive;
164:	vec3 getEmission() {
165:	    return material_emissive;
166:	}
167:	float antiAliasGlossiness(float power) {
168:	    float rlen = 1.0 / saturate(length(dNormalMap));
169:	    float toksvig = 1.0 / (1.0 + power * (rlen - 1.0));
170:	    return power * mix(1.0, toksvig, material_bumpiness);
171:	}
172:	uniform vec3 material_specular;
173:	void getSpecularity() {
174:	    dSpecularity = material_specular;
175:	}
176:	uniform float material_shininess;
177:	void getGlossiness() {
178:	    dGlossiness = material_shininess + 0.0000001;
179:	}
180:	// Schlick's approximation
181:	uniform float material_fresnelFactor; // unused
182:	void getFresnel() {
183:	    float fresnel = 1.0 - max(dot(dNormalW, dViewDirW), 0.0);
184:	    float fresnel2 = fresnel * fresnel;
185:	    fresnel *= fresnel2 * fresnel2;
186:	    fresnel *= dGlossiness * dGlossiness;
187:	    dSpecularity = dSpecularity + (1.0 - dSpecularity) * fresnel;
188:	}
189:	uniform samplerCube texture_prefilteredCubeMap128;
190:	uniform samplerCube texture_prefilteredCubeMap64;
191:	uniform samplerCube texture_prefilteredCubeMap32;
192:	uniform samplerCube texture_prefilteredCubeMap16;
193:	uniform samplerCube texture_prefilteredCubeMap8;
194:	uniform samplerCube texture_prefilteredCubeMap4;
195:	uniform float material_reflectivity;
196:	void addReflection() {
197:	    // Unfortunately, WebGL doesn't allow us using textureCubeLod. Therefore bunch of nasty workarounds is required.
198:	    // We fix mip0 to 128x128, so code is rather static.
199:	    // Mips smaller than 4x4 aren't great even for diffuse. Don't forget that we don't have bilinear filtering between different faces.
200:	    float bias = saturate(1.0 - dGlossiness) * 5.0; // multiply by max mip level
201:	    int index1 = int(bias);
202:	    int index2 = int(min(bias + 1.0, 7.0));
203:	    vec3 fixedReflDir = fixSeams(cubeMapProject(dReflDirW), bias);
204:	    fixedReflDir.x *= -1.0;
205:	    vec4 cubes[6];
206:	    cubes[0] = textureCube(texture_prefilteredCubeMap128, fixedReflDir);
207:	    cubes[1] = textureCube(texture_prefilteredCubeMap64, fixedReflDir);
208:	    cubes[2] = textureCube(texture_prefilteredCubeMap32, fixedReflDir);
209:	    cubes[3] = textureCube(texture_prefilteredCubeMap16, fixedReflDir);
210:	    cubes[4] = textureCube(texture_prefilteredCubeMap8, fixedReflDir);
211:	    cubes[5] = textureCube(texture_prefilteredCubeMap4, fixedReflDir);
212:	    // Also we don't have dynamic indexing in PS, so...
213:	    vec4 cube[2];
214:	    for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
215:	        if (i == index1) {
216:	            cube[0] = cubes[i];
217:	        }
218:	        if (i == index2) {
219:	            cube[1] = cubes[i];
220:	        }
221:	    }
222:	    // another variant
223:	    /*if (index1==0){ cube[0]=cubes[0];
224:	    }else if (index1==1){ cube[0]=cubes[1];
225:	    }else if (index1==2){ cube[0]=cubes[2];
226:	    }else if (index1==3){ cube[0]=cubes[3];
227:	    }else if (index1==4){ cube[0]=cubes[4];
228:	    }else if (index1==5){ cube[0]=cubes[5];}
229:	    if (index2==0){ cube[1]=cubes[0];
230:	    }else if (index2==1){ cube[1]=cubes[1];
231:	    }else if (index2==2){ cube[1]=cubes[2];
232:	    }else if (index2==3){ cube[1]=cubes[3];
233:	    }else if (index2==4){ cube[1]=cubes[4];
234:	    }else if (index2==5){ cube[1]=cubes[5];}*/
235:	    vec4 cubeFinal = mix(cube[0], cube[1], fract(bias));
236:	    vec3 refl = processEnvironment(decodeRGBM(cubeFinal).rgb);
237:	    dReflection += vec4(refl, material_reflectivity);
238:	}
239:	vec3 combineColor() {
240:	    return mix(dAlbedo * dDiffuseLight, dSpecularLight + dReflection.rgb * dReflection.a, dSpecularity);
241:	}
242:	void addAmbient() {
243:	    vec3 fixedReflDir = fixSeamsStatic(dNormalW, 1.0 - 1.0 / 4.0);
244:	    fixedReflDir.x *= -1.0;
245:	    dDiffuseLight += processEnvironment(decodeRGBM(textureCube(texture_prefilteredCubeMap4, fixedReflDir)).rgb);
246:	}
247:	void getViewDir() {
248:	    dViewDirW = normalize(view_position - vPositionW);
249:	}
250:	void getReflDir() {
251:	    dReflDirW = normalize(-reflect(dViewDirW, dNormalW));
252:	}
254:	void main(void) {
255:	    dDiffuseLight = vec3(0);
256:	    dSpecularLight = vec3(0);
257:	    dReflection = vec4(0);
258:	    dSpecularity = vec3(0);
259:	   dAlpha = 1.0;
260:	   getViewDir();
261:	   getTBN();
262:	   getNormal();
263:	   getReflDir();
264:	   getAlbedo();
265:	   getSpecularity();
266:	   getGlossiness();
267:	   getFresnel();
268:	   addAmbient();
269:	   addReflection();
271:	   gl_FragColor.rgb = combineColor();
272:	   gl_FragColor.rgb += getEmission();
273:	   gl_FragColor.rgb = addFog(gl_FragColor.rgb);
274:	   #ifndef HDR
275:	    gl_FragColor.rgb = toneMap(gl_FragColor.rgb);
276:	    gl_FragColor.rgb = gammaCorrectOutput(gl_FragColor.rgb);
277:	   #endif
278:	gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;
280:	}

ERROR: 0:68: '}' : syntax error

ERROR:   Failed to link shader program. Error: invalid shaders
Error in material "Water" with flags 65548

The important line is:

ERROR: 0:68: '}' : syntax error

This is telling me there’s a problem at line 68 and indeed if I look at the previous line, there’s a missing semi-colon. Normally, the shader compilation error is shown after the GLSL code listing. Do you not have that?

I’m getting this to only with fragment shader:

Failed to compile fragment shader:

1:	precision varying vec2 vUv0;
3:	uniform sampler2D uDiffuseMap;
4:	uniform sampler2D uHeightMap;
5:	uniform float uTime;
7:	void main(void)
8:	{
9:	    float height = texture2D(uHeightMap, vUv0).r;
10:	    vec4 color = texture2D(uDiffuseMap, vUv0);
11:	    if (height < uTime) {
12:	      discard;
13:	    }
14:	    if (height < (uTime+0.04)) {
15:	      color = vec4(0, 0.2, 1, 1.0);
16:	    }
17:	    gl_FragColor = color;
18:	} float;/nvarying vec2 vUv0;
20:	uniform sampler2D uDiffuseMap;
21:	uniform sampler2D uHeightMap;
22:	uniform float uTime;
24:	void main(void)
25:	{
26:	    float height = texture2D(uHeightMap, vUv0).r;
27:	    vec4 color = texture2D(uDiffuseMap, vUv0);
28:	    if (height < uTime) {
29:	      discard;
30:	    }
31:	    if (height < (uTime+0.04)) {
32:	      color = vec4(0, 0.2, 1, 1.0);
33:	    }
34:	    gl_FragColor = color;
35:	}

ERROR: 0:1: 'varying' : syntax error

Because you have no correct precision.

varying is a var type, so it should be next statement.