Exporting and Importing Templates (Prefabs) between projects

I’ve gotten an message from a user about exporting and importing Templates between projects or even clients, similar to this thread: A way of uploading template assets as file to PlayCanvas editor

Here are the approaches that you can do at the moment:

  1. If you have write access to both projects, you can copy and paste assets between project. This operation will also copy referenced assets used by the asset being copied where possible. However, to make this easier, we suggest that you keep it all together in a folder like I’ve done here in this tutorial.

  2. Where you don’t have access to the target project, you can copy and paste to a new project and either share or transfer ownership to the client so they can copy and paste.

  3. Where you don’t have access to the target project, you can copy and paste to a new project and export that project as a zip archive. That way you can share the zip with multiple clients more easily and they can import it into their account to copy and paste.