Export Unreal Engine 3D files to playcanvas!

Animech has developed a converter for Unreal Engine that converts both 3D objects and entire scenes to Playcanvas. It enables transferring applications created in Unreal to the web in a fast and cost-effective way. With just the click of a button, users can convert their Unreal files to GLTF and build web applications with Playcanvas.

Try it out here: glTF Exporter in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

If you need help converting your projects to the web, send me an email staffan@animech.cm


Hi @staffan,

I just found out about this, looks very cool.
I had a question that if I bake my lights in Unreal, can I export everything including the lightmaps from Unreal to a .glb/.glTF file using the above exporter?



Did you end up using this exporter? Did it work well?

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