Recently i knewed about playcanvas. Didn’t found any template that fit my needs and decided to setup project myself - small FPS game, during development I found solutions and approaches on how its possible to write code for playcanvas and wants to share project with them combined. Hope it will helps newcomers as I am to make first project without hours of setup.
Github - GitHub - Ciberusps/playcanvas-typescript-example
Project - PlayCanvas 3D HTML5 Game Engine
Build - Typescript example - PLAYCANVAS
- typescript
- eslint
- prettier
- webpack
- classes and attributes using decorators
- single js bundle
- playcanvas-sync
small and clear classes creation and attributes declaration using decorators
consts map for “lifecycleMethods” to lower chance of typo errors
communication events aka “event bus” aka"eventName")
also typesafe, there were many ways how to do it but i stopped on simple consts map with event names and typings for “event objects” for transferring data - exampleTPlayerScoreChangedEvent
on screenshot
webpack bundles all scripts in single file
“hot reload” - start project via
npm run dev
, webpack and playcanvas-sync will start in “watch mode” every time u change any script all changes immediatly bulids and syncs, so u will only need to refresh page with launched game
eslint, prettier, typescript settuped and u can use
npm run typecheck
npm run prettier:check
npm run lint
in your CI/CD, also I added github action that makes build and “push all” scripts to current branch every time when u push commit -
) can be used to debug scripts independantly by creation of categories for example u want to test some functionality of character to enable this category just open dev console(F12) and writewindow.debugSystem.enableCategory("character")
in code u can check that debug category is enabled and send some debug information
What can be improved
- probably classes inheritance broken
- jest setup for unit tests
Not sure that some of approaches scales well in big projects or in network-based games, if u have thoughts on how to improve this example project pls leave feedback and probably if many people will be interested i can go further and make small network based FPS/TPS game to test that all things scales well.