Escaping Earth - 3D space platformer


This is a prototype for a 3D space platformer game that is in the design phase. You can play it here:

We were able to develop this in a matter of days. Some features:

  • p2.js is used for physics, planets create gravity fields that push objects that enter it, into orbit.
  • solar system is an accurate representation of the real one, using the orbital elements from NASA. Planets were scaled up to help with game play.
  • additional star systems can be added easily from the editor, just by inserting new (real or imaginary) orbital elements.
  • orbits and gravity fields are rendered using “lines” to help the player navigate around.
  • Touch controls are partially implemented, for the moment only to navigate around with the top down camera.

This isn’t an easy game, nor does it make much “sense” right now! But we are loving how easily it turns out to prototype in PlayCanvas.

Stay tuned for feature updates:

Thanks for playing!



Change log:

  • Small sized orbit lines were added for the token stars. Guidelines to help player enter a proper orbit for catching the star.
  • The spaceship’s speed, thrusting/braking, when moving inside a gravity field was reduced to 10% (from 100%).
  • A bug was fixed that sometimes made the game misplace a star inside the planet.
  • Small visual improvements (Saturn rings).

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A prototype viewer of the 300+ stars that are added to the game.

And an article on this: