Error: `callback` is undefined?

var pc = {version:“0.181.8”, revision:“8088893”, config:{}, common:{}, apps:{}, data:{}, unpack:function() {
console.warn(“pc.unpack has been deprecated and will be removed shortly. Please update your code.”)

and i have got this error too

TypeError: callbacks[index].callback is undefined

callbacks[index].callback.apply(scope, args);

playcan…able.js (linea 624, col 11)
TypeError: callbacks[index].callback is undefined

callbacks[index].callback.apply(scope, args);

@ayrin without actual example (isolated issue), people wont be able to debug and help you with the problem.

you are right Max, i didn’t post that coz to me it say is an error in stable.js 0: so i checked the console and found out those lines…but is chinese to me :stuck_out_tongue:

Hm, seems like you somewhere subscribe to event, without providing a callback. Do you subscribe with something.on('someEvent')?