Engine v2 Editor Support (Beta Ended)

Thank you to all of you who participated in the open beta release we appreciate all your help very much!

Moving forward we have now decided to roll out the Editor running on Engine v2 as the default. This will be released later today.

Should any further issues arise we will still be allowing access to the deprecated Editor running Engine v1 through adding the v1 query parameter to the end of your url e.g. https://playcanvas.com/editor/scene/2148249?v1

Compatibility: Engine Compatibility | PlayCanvas Developer Site
Migrating between Engine V1 and V2: Editor Migrations | PlayCanvas Developer Site
Engine Migrations: Engine Migrations | PlayCanvas Developer Site

Engine changes
Root Ticket


Post above updated with details on how to do it. Give it a go. There is no risk, you can switch back to using engine v1 by a single click.

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Will there be transform gizmos for entitys from supersplat in v2 editor?

Not initially, but it’s on a todo list.

Editor Beta Closed