Engine Release v2.1.0

Engine v2.1.0 has been released, Release notes

This is the engine only release at this point, and it will not be available in the Editor for a while, as we work on updating the Editor for compatibility with both versions of the engine (1.x.x and 2.x.x).

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Updated engine examples

First Person
Outlines Colored


The “Outlines Colored” example is insane!!! I already have a million and one ideas on how to use this once I understand the code lol.

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The white will override both the red and the green, but when the red and green combine they become yellow. Is this intended behavior?

I also noticed that half of the outline is blocked by the model itself, meaning the outline becomes thicker when the model is entirely covered and thinner when it isnt. Is this also intended?

Here you can see how the line is much thinner on the right:

It’s a simple post-processing based effect, and so all outlines are rendered to a single render target. This means the colors blend together. It’s a limitation of this method. Not sure about variable thickness.

If you modify the shader you can thicken the line

Alright but that doesnt really change what I said. Also how exactly would I do that?

Take a look at the onPostRender() function in outline renderer and you can modify the thickness there

(i can’t recall if I added the THICKNESS value as we’re running a fork)

Biggest issue I have right now is how it outlines everything thats in the IMMEDIATE layer which causes unexpected things to get outlined as well. It would be better to default to its own layer imo. I had issues doing that but I need another swing at it

Just having a quick look - it seems you can pass in a layer to use? Create a new layer and use that. Note that I tested it, but I suspect it might work.