Engine Release: v1.70.0

Engine v1.70.0 has been released. Release notes:

This engine is now available in the Editor as pre-release. Please test it with your application and report any issues.

We plan to promote this engine to be the default version used by the Editor on Monday, 29 April 2024.

To stay updated on engine development, hit Watch on the repo. Support us by hitting Star too! :smiley:

See the new engine examples:


We will probably make Engine v1.70.0 active in the Editor today. Last change to test it against your projects before it goes live! Let us know if you see any problems.

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Hi team,

Noticed an issue with bloom in the new engine. Posting an empty project with a bloom-enabled cube here for inspection. Attaching screenshots below on how our project changes - there were no changes made to the project.

Would be great to know how to resolve. Thanks!

I have a fix, thanks for the repro @DevilZ

We’ll release this so nothing to be done on your side.


Patched to 1.70.1: Release v1.70.1 · playcanvas/engine · GitHub

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This works great, and the issue is resolved. Thanks a lot!


And the engine v1.70.1 is now used by default in the Editor. Please let us know of any issues.

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There is a problem on old devices :slight_smile:

Loading screen at 0%


fromEntries is supported since Chrome version 73 – "fromEntries" | Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc

Hey @mvaligursky - this is strange - the engine has a polyfill for that: engine/src/polyfill/object-entries.js at main · playcanvas/engine · GitHub

It seems they’re missing from the build. We’ll investigate and fix it. I created a ticket for tracking: Engine 1.70.0 is missing polyfills · Issue #6328 · playcanvas/engine · GitHub

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Fixed in the engine is released:

We’ll be deploying this to the Editor shortly.

And the engine 1.70.2 is now available in the Editor.
@robert.ua - your issue should be fixed, please test it out.

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@mvaligursky just tested it, everything works now, thanks :+1:

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And patched to Release v1.70.3 · playcanvas/engine · GitHub with few more fixes. This should get released to the Editor tomorrow.

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