I am download fbx model(using json) but not with texture, just white model download.
I want download fbx model with texture.
I not found solution in forum and user manual.
please help me.
3d model file: Dropbox - 3d-Mode - Simplify your life
I’m not quite sure I understand.
Did the original FBX come with a texture?
Are you importing a FBX and texture into PlayCanvas Editor and want to download the converted JSON file with the texture and material?
Looking at your Dropbox folder, the JSON folder already has the textures and materials? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k7zvwhbw1a6jeke/AAC4RTOkLLyb86fv2R1eG1DDa/Model-Json_format?dl=0
It looks like you have everything you want. You have the JSON which you can use with or with out the texture and you have the FBX which you can use the textures in the JSON folder for.
Thanks for reply.
I don’t know how to download texture and material with fbx model.
I want to download the converted JSON file with the texture and material
But you have already done so looking at your Dropbox folder. It doesn’t look like you are missing anything. I can see 2 material assets, 2 textures and the JSON files representing the model.
The textures are just separate files that you have to download separately. You have already done so when you have download the JSON model file.
Please give me proper documentation or steps for textures and materials download…
Also have you code for that…please share me
Thank you
This is what I don’t understand. If that is your dropbox folder, you have done this already. You have the FBX file, the JSON file, the material assets and the textures. What more do you need? There’s no code involved and that GIF is from your Dropbox folder.
Is the problem that you can’t import them into another project?
if you have the texture you can upload it separately from fbx, you can assign it to the material of the model and it will work anyway
From beginning to end, what are you trying to do?
Does that Dropbox folder belong to you?
Are you trying to download the FBX from the Editor?
If not, how are you intending to download the FBX?
Are you trying to load the model at runtime in PlayCanvas and the model is hosted elsewhere?
Is this what you are trying to do? Load 3D models at run time from a PlayCanvas application
I suspect there is a language/terminalogy problem here.
I want to download FBX model with material and texture.
Yes,I have downloaded json file from play canvas editor and upload in dropbox.
Yes exactly. i will try to load the model at runtime in PlayCanvas. Model is not hosted.
I have uploaded FBX, material and texture on dropbox and we want to download that in playcanvas.
3d-Model hosted on github.
link : https://github.com/junior1Unity/3dmodel-Playcanvas
i am able to download FBX but unable to download material and texure with fbx.
We want to download that in playcanvas.
Thank you.
Project: https://playcanvas.com/editor/scene/547080
Files: https://github.com/yaustar/3dmodel-Playcanvas
Example taken from the GitHub page: https://github.com/playcanvas/engine/blob/master/examples/load_model/index.html
I had to rename the material files and reflected that change in the mappings.json as the # was causing problems in resolving the URL.