Does the Viewer (AR mode) Support 3DGS Files?

Thank you for the amazing PlayCanvas Viewer, especially the AR mode! I recently attempted to use 3dgs files (ply format), and they work perfectly in the viewer. However, when I switch to AR mode, there is no result. It appears that 3dgs files might not yet be supported by the native libraries. Is this the case? (I’ve experienced this on iOS).

It should all work I believe.

Thanks. For example, the PlayCanvas glTF Viewer (this is PLY from your tutorials) works great in a mobile browser on iOS, but when I choose the AR option, it’s not working.

Hi @nemilya ,

Ahh ok, sorry yes. AR mode does work correctly on android:

However iOS doesn’t support WebXR so model-viewer must use the built in Apple quickview feature, which doesn’t support 3GS.


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Amazing, thank you! I’ll start looking for Android to experiment with GS in AR)