Does the UI render once per frame?

Does the UI layer render at the same rate as the general update?

I’m using the ‘follow-world-target.js’ script, in combination with a moving camera, and I’m seeing quite laggy/choppy behavior if the camera is moving.

I’ve tried increasing the resolution of the ‘screen’ element, changing script loading orders, and modifying to script to operate in ‘update’ (instead of ‘postUpdate’)…all without any change in behavior.

My current theory is that the UI layer renders at about 10 FPS.

Hi @Cain_Quigley,

I am fairly certain that the UI layer is updated at the same interval as the other layers.

How are you updating your camera? Try moving your camera translation update to the postUpdate() method.

Not sure if that’s the problem here, if you can share a sample project we can take a look.

Unfortunately, this is all buried within some private projects. I can’t imagine that my employer would want to make them public.

Perhaps, if I can find some unscheduled time, I can re-create this issue in a stripped-down project that I can make public.

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I made a quick test scene here, it seems fine unless I missed some behaviour: