Documentation feedback wanted - What would you like to see improved?

I wanted to play around with XR but I couldn’t find any documentation for pc.XRTRACKABLE_PLANE and pc.XRTRACKABLE_POINT. That would be helpful. Thanks!

If you scroll down to options.entityTypes on this page, XrHitTest | PlayCanvas API Reference does that help?

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Ah yes! Thanks.

for me as a kind of noob, I rather google for help insted of using Your search function :slight_smile: becouse I get results from tutorials, forum and gitHub. I think I abuse the Your forum a little bit, Your feedback is so amazing, I rely to much on it (sorry)

The search now includes the forum. Not 100% sure if usually l should include GitHub though :thinking:

Biggest feedback, is that I would move API Reference generation code, into repo, so it can be contributed to.

@moka I think the docs - both manual and API can be contributed to - you should be able to create PR to both?

  1. API docs are generated from source code using
npm run docs

and you can see them in engine/docs (point your local hosting to it)

  1. manual is here:

Yes, had to go through and figure things out, probably worth updating repos with relevant info.

I’ve referred to API Reference, which lives here:

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@underlight - we hear you there, and have plans for all of these to work on when time allows. Thanks!

i believe that the documentation doesn’t have enough examples, and many are visual learners, i believe you should make each section on documentation have it’s own video tutorial to where people can understand it better. with a person not only telling them how to do it, but actively showing them how to do it. especially the more complex and flexible things, like particle systems. I still do not understand much of the particle system and how you are able to create such complicated particles. so my suggestion for documentation is visual tutorials for the people that dont learn by reading a couple words on a screen.

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I suggest a page where recommanded/ approved YouTube tutorials are linked :slight_smile:

for a current issue I mostly google() but for insperation I search ‘playCanvas tutorial’ on YouTube…

Documentation on how to package your game for official release, on platforms like steam, the epic games store, and

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