Display variable on screen

Hello can anybody tell me how to display variable as text on the screen? I mean something like “Coins picked: (variable)”

Hi @smokys,

You can easily do that with a text UI element and some simple code. Check the UI example projects on how to set this up:


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Im trying it and it seem to be complicated, im little bit frustrated but i will try to work with it somehow.

The closest tutorial that will help you is probably this one https://developer.playcanvas.com/en/tutorials/ui-elements-stats-counter/

Where the text element is updated to show a particular value.


An easy way to display a variable in a UI is by doing this:

myscript.prototype.initialize = function(){
   this.coinvalue = 0;

myscript.prototype.update = function(dt){
    var textbox = this.app.root.findByName('TextBoxName');
    var value = this.coinvalue;
    textbox.element.text = value;

This one helped waaaay tooo enough, thank you so much <3

This is one of the really easiest

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there is exatcly 99 coins :o


Haha ye, funny is that it is all random :smiley:

if you want to switch the perspective to 2d just switch this to orthographic ( its under the camera )

Screenshot 2020-11-01 at 3.21.19 PM

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myscript.prototype.initialize = function(){
   this.coinvalue = 0;

myscript.prototype.update = function(dt){
    var textbox = this.app.root.findByName('TextBoxName');
    var value = this.coinvalue;
    textbox.element.text = "Coins Picked:" + value;

modified it a bit. it will now show Coins Picked next to the updating value.


Well done, that is what i was looking for :slight_smile:

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