CSS + HTML code texture buttom change

My question seems silly. Tell me how to make the texture changed when you click on the button. This Button is implemented as CSS + HTML code as an example of the lesson. In ui code.js we need to change the texture and not the material. Please help ___________

var Ui = pc.createScript('ui');

Ui.attributes.add('css', {type: 'asset', assetType:'css', title: 'CSS Asset'});
Ui.attributes.add('html', {type: 'asset', assetType:'html', title: 'HTML Asset'});

Ui.prototype.initialize = function () {
    // create STYLE element
    var style = document.createElement('style');

    // append to head
    style.innerHTML = this.css.resource || '';
    // Add the HTML
    this.div = document.createElement('div');
    this.div.innerHTML = this.html.resource || '';
    // append to body
    // can be appended somewhere else
    // it is recommended to have some container element
    // to prevent iOS problems of overfloating elements off the screen
    this.counter = 0;

Ui.prototype.bindEvents = function() {
    var self = this;
    // example
    // get button element by class
    var button = this.div.querySelector('.button');
    var counter = this.div.querySelector('.counter');
    // if found
    if (button) {
        // add event listener on `click`
        button.addEventListener('click', function() {
            if (counter)
                counter.textContent = self.counter;
            console.log('button clicked');
            // try to find object and change its material diffuse color    
        // just for fun purposes
            var obj = pc.app.root.findByName('Gem');
            if (obj && obj.model && obj.model.model) {

__________           //how and what you need to register Help
                var material = obj.model.model.meshInstances[0].material;
                if (material) {
                    material.diffuse.set(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random());
        }, false);

    if (counter)
        counter.textContent = self.counter;