some random guy basically copying my work and the same videos and words i used in my some threads and took things and put in his project without permission
trying to upload proof pics @yaustar
false claim
2.i never typed anything
3.taking work when they did nothing on my project it not even done
Hi @DerpySlurrpe! The only way to prevent your project from being copied, is to make your project private. It can also help not to share a link of your project. I understand it’s annoying, but for now I recommend just moving on with your project and making it even better. Another option is to start working together.
They’ve quoted you, they’ve said where the assets have come from (when a project is public, under our terms that permits any other PlayCanvas user to use and remix your content) and even the original site source form Deviant Art, they’ve even linked to your project as well as their own.