Console log when using Ammo.js?

I was trying out the way leonidas recommended on this thread, but I’m having a hard time figuring out what’s the problem.

        for (let i = 0; i < instanceCount-1; i++) {
            temp = this.pointArray[i + 1].replace('\r', '').split(' ');

            var newVec = new Ammo.btVector3(this.pointObjectSize['xSize']/2, this.pointObjectSize['ySize']/2, this.pointObjectSize['zSize']/2);
            var shape = new Ammo.btBoxShape(newVec);
            var newTrans = new Ammo.btVector3 (temp[1], temp[2], temp[3]);
            var transformDoIt = new Ammo.btTransform();
            var rbody = new Ammo.btRigidBody ();
            rbody.setWorldTransform (transformDoIt);
            rbody.setCollisionShape (shape);
            var cons = rbody.getWorldTransform();



I used this kind of code to make a distributed Collisions, but It doesn’t seem to work so I tried to find problems using console log, but it seems to only return some zx value and what function it can use.

r {Zx: 19609824}Zx: 19609824[[Prototype]]: g$x: ƒ r(a,c)constructor: ƒ r(a,c)getBasis: ƒ ()getOrigin: ƒ ()getRotation: ƒ ()inverse: ƒ ()op_mul: ƒ (a)setFromOpenGLMatrix: ƒ (a)setIdentity: ƒ ()setOrigin: ƒ (a)setRotation: ƒ (a)__destroy__: ƒ ()[[Prototype]]: g

Is there any way to use console with Ammo.js?