[CLOSED] Redirect error

Hey, here again to report an issue, I went to a deprecated launch link, and usually playcanvas has the ghost (this time did as well)
and the home button to redirect the user to playcanvas.com, however upon clicking it,
I got this error:

Just hope this can help the playcanvas team, the original link was, as I said a deprecated (or deleted) project launch, link here: PlayCanvas | HTML5 Game Engine

One thing to note here, is that Launcher links (launch.playcanvas.com) are not for sharing. They don’t live long. They are only for you to launch the app from the Editor to see the current state.

If one wants to share the app, he should make a build and share a build link (playcanv.as) instead.

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Yeah I know. This wasn’t my launch either, I saw it on a post and wanted to see it, but the reason I post here is the redirecting to playcanvas.com is impaired/not working with deleted launches, like it used to.

@yak32 to check

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This is new for me. What do you mean with ‘they don’t live long’? As far as I know the launch link is not expiring or changing.

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Right, so there are 2 ways to launch a project.

  1. From the Editor. This will open a Launcher in a new tab.
    That link is not supposed to be shared, though. It is short-lived and used only for your development purposes.

  2. From the project main page. That will open the built app.

    This link is safe for sharing.

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I know there are two type of links, but it is new for me the launch link is ‘short living’. As far as I know the link is working as long as the project and scene are available.

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He means typically a launch link will be removed or deleted/outdated upon publishing a project, since launches are directly from the editor and use updates with hot reloading etc, Usually like you said though, Launch links last as long as the project, the only time they are outdated or not useful is when the project is deleted, or published from a different version.

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But the issue has gone off topic now, all I was saying is this page here:

Should redirect to playcanvas.com. Now the issue is it gives a bad gateway request (404) and does not correctly take the user to playcanvas.com. This was the topic and issue, if I didn’t explain it well enough before I hope this reiteration helps.

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Ping @yak32

hey, thanks for reporting this! the fix will be deployed with the next release

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Okay, thank you!