Changing variables

I am building a rocket simulator and decided to start off with the physics of it (obviously). so I made a script so when i press shift the throttle should go up by 1/100 of the max throttle. I launched it and it doesn’t say theres an issue, but it doesnt work. If anyone can help here is project link and the script I made:

var Fly = pc.createScript(‘fly’);
Fly.attributes.add(‘engineLimiter’, {
type: ‘number’,
default: 120,
title: ‘Engine Limiter’,
description: ‘The max thrust of the rocket’,

// initialize code called once per entity
Fly.prototype.initialize = function() {
this.currentThrust = 0;
this.thrustBackup = this.currentThrust;
this.raiseFactor = this.engineLimiter / 100;

// update code called every frame
Fly.prototype.update = function(dt) {

//raise thrust
if ( {
    if (this.currentThrust = this.engineLimiter === false ) {
        this.currentThrust = this.thrustBackup + this.raiseFactor;
        this.thrustBackup = this.currentThrust;

// cut the thrust
if ( {
    this.currentThrust = 0;
    this.thrustBackup = this.currentThrust;

//Apply the force

You need way more thrust and your if is broken, just copy in F12/DevTools:

Fly.prototype.update = function(dt) {
    //raise thrust
    if ( {
        //if (this.currentThrust = this.engineLimiter === false ) {
            this.currentThrust = this.thrustBackup + this.raiseFactor * 100;
            this.thrustBackup = this.currentThrust;
    console.log("currentThrust", this.currentThrust);
    // cut the thrust
    if ( {
        this.currentThrust = 0;
        this.thrustBackup = this.currentThrust;
    //Apply the force

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thanks bud