Changing default physics engine..?


realize this is probably coming a bit late, but:
With the new PlayCanvas 2.0 update and everything… has it been considered to go away from ammo.js as the official physics engine?

My impression is that it is quite a while since ammo.js was updated (and no apparent reason to expect that to change), yet there are several pretty severe bugs with it, such as unavoidable memory leakage when using mesh-colliders (see this post), as well as objects sometimes just falling through mesh colliders (see this post).

I haven’t tried it myself yet, but I hear great things about Rapier physics engine ( ~

Replacing, or even better adding different physics options to PlayCanvas, are definitely being considered. It’s a large job and it has not been scheduled to be done in the near future, but the interest is there.

But it has not been considered for the engine v2, which contains primarily graphics related changes.

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We’ve had some of the community add their own support for Jolt and Rapier. The new module support for scripting and Editor has made this easier too.

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oh, rly?!
That’s neat :smiley:

Do you know if there’s been a thread or something discussing this? I tried doing a quick search, but came up empty. (I did find this tho, which looks very promising)

Makes sense that changing the physics engine would be a later project, tho I must say I rly look forward to that!

Me and Ammo are not friends anymore X)

No thread, there’s been some conversations on Discord about it and some demos like the one you found.

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Ooo! This looks neat!
I look forward to more documentation X)