Can't open project since around 12pm GMT 26/9/23

For some reason i cant load up my project in the editor, it was working yesterday morning then the website started showing a maintenance page, after some time the website has come back online but when i open the editor on my project its not loading any assets into the editor (the orange loading bar on the assets section at the bottom of the editor stays stuck)

Also the user icon in the editor for the active user doesn’t load.

Are there issues currently with playcanvas since a update?
Any solution to this issue will be very much appreciated (boss breathing down my neck)

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Hi @Batfink1234 and welcome!

Maybe you can try to clear the cache of your browser.

Any errors in the console of your browser?

I have the same/similar problem,
Different internet connection and computers have the same issue.

Trying to drag in any new asset (texture or fbx) is not loading, see attached gif

The console is throwing a 504 error

experiencing exact same problem here!

Same issue here!
Tried to create a brand new testing script but console is throwing an error 504

Calling @will to take a look.

We’re investigating, sorry guys.