Can create a game like gartic or drawize with Playcanvas?

Good morning everyone,

Recently I want to create game like which able to create room and invite friend to play game in a private room. Is there any guidance for me to create this kind of game. I little confuse because user manual does not notice anything about multi-server. What should I do or knowledge that I need to learn?

Hi @Elliot and welcome,

You can definitely create a game like it in PlayCanvas. You will need to know how to code in Javascript, so a good starting point is some tutorials or a course on that, you can find several free online.

A good advice is to split your game in smaller parts, and start working in each. Tackle each problem separately and try to gather the necessary experience required. Don’t be afraid to fail, start again if something doesn’t work. You will learn a lot even by mistakes.

Thanks for reply @Leonidas,

I will try to break down the task and do it step by step. Although it quite challenge for me but I will give it a try. Anyway thanks for the tips.

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