Camera follow jittering when applying tween to target

Is that becouse of tween?

How i animate character on fall

var targetPos = this.entity.getLocalPosition().clone();
targetPos.add(new pc.Vec3(0, -10, 0));
this.entity.tween(this.entity.getLocalPosition()).to(targetPos, 2, pc.Linear).start();

How i move camera

var CameraMover = pc.createScript('cameraMover');

CameraMover.attributes.add('speed', {type: 'number', default: 1});
CameraMover.attributes.add('target', {type: 'entity'});

CameraMover.prototype.postInitialize = function() {
    this.startOffset = this.entity.getPosition().clone().sub(;

CameraMover.prototype.postUpdate = function(dt){

The same with just .update

Game - Test Project - PLAYCANVAS

Video example

Yes, when I replaced tween with my own logic in update - everything became smooth, maybe tween uses postUpdate for animation and therefore the camera captures the position on the previous frame?

this.fromPos = this.entity.getPosition().clone();
this.toPos = this.fromPos.clone();
this.toPos.sub(new pc.Vec3(0, 10, 0));
this.stepStatus = 0;"main:update", this.onFall, this); //my update event

Character.prototype.onFall = function(dt){
    this.stepStatus += dt / 2;
    if(this.stepStatus < 1)
        this.currentPos.lerp(this.fromPos, this.toPos, this.stepStatus);
        this.entity.setPosition(this.toPos);"main:update", this.onFall, this);