Boolean logic help

i have this set of codes here, to move an entity model…
i set it so that if time <= 0 seconds, this.upDone = true

but when i run it, with the console.log, the time value never drops below 1.9xxxx, why is that so?

this.upDone = false;

if (time <= 0)
        this.upDone = true;
        time = 2;
if (this.upDone === false)
        time -= dt;
        if (this.rightMax === true || this.leftMax === true)
            //go up
            drone.translateLocal(0, 0, -1 * dt);

Hello @bestdenki7! Do you use this code in the update function?

There can be two issues:

  1. The time variable may be a local one instead of global and for that reason it’s value is not coming to zero.
  2. If first one is not the case then you can use .toFixed() function to fix the issue. Here is a given example:
var x = 9.656;
x.toFixed(0);           // returns 10
x.toFixed(2);           // returns 9.66
x.toFixed(4);           // returns 9.6560
x.toFixed(6);           // returns 9.656000

Either fix the time value with 1 or 2 and it will be fine.

Where do you put the console log?

right below time -= dt

so would it work if i add it as

Input.attributes.add(‘timer’, {type: ‘number’});//

and access this.timer?

the one im using right now i just have it set var time = this.timer;

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Where is the time variable being declared? Can you post the whole function please?

I guess the issue is due to local variable or you are iniliazing variable with same value again and again. You should better initialize the time variable in the initialize function by this format:

this.time = this.timer;

Then use this this.time variable where you want and hopefully it will resolve the issue.

var FlightPath = pc.createScript('flightPath');

// initialize code called once per entity
FlightPath.prototype.initialize = function() {
    this.timer = 2;
    this.leftMax = false;
    this.rightMax = true;
    this.upDone = true;

// update code called every frame
FlightPath.prototype.update = function(dt) {
    var drone = this.entity;
    var dronePos = drone.getPosition();
    var time = this.timer;
    if (dronePos.x <= -12.5)
        this.rightMax = false;
        this.leftMax = true;
        this.upDone = false;
    else if (dronePos.x >=  12.5)
        this.leftMax = false;
        this.rightMax = true;
        this.upDone = false;
    if (time <= 0)
        this.upDone = true;
        time = 2;
    if (this.upDone === true)
        if (this.leftMax === true)
            //go right
            drone.translateLocal(10 * dt, 0, 0);
        else if (this.rightMax === true)
            // go left
            drone.translateLocal(-10 * dt, 0, 0);
    if (this.upDone === false)
        time -= dt;
        if (this.rightMax === true || this.leftMax === true)
            //go up
            drone.translateLocal(0, 0, -1 * dt);
            console.log('countdown: ' +  time);
    /* //debuggings
    console.log('leftMax: ' + this.leftMax);
    console.log('rightMax: ' + this.rightMax);
    console.log('upDone: ' + this.upDone);

it is poorly coded but

this.upDone will be set to false.
and timer will start to countdown 2seconds, and if it hits 0seconds, updone will be set to true.

This line is copying the vaule of this.timer so this.timer` never changes value

Either change where you use time to this.timer or at the end of the update function, assign the value of time back to this.timer.

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oh! is it fine if i set var time = this.timer in initialize instead?

No, if you do that then the variable time is scoped in the initialise function and cannot be used in the update function.

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actually i could just scrap var time and just access this.timer thats initialized in the initialize() right

Yes, this is what I meant by saying

got it! thank you so much for the help!!

you should put [SOLVED] in the title if you don’t need help anymore

sorry i couldnt figure out how or where to edit the topic