Best practice to check if all video textures are loaded and ready to play


i have multiple videoTextures in my project - and would like to have a function which is fired, if all video files are ready and can be played to start a function (so it doesnt affect the experience / performance during runtime).

i recognized, that i have to disable the preload flag in the video texture file, because otherwise i get the error, that the audio source cant be loaded. (those video files are .mp4 - they have no audio)

a further question: on mobile / iOS you have to press the screen to start even when there is no audio included? in the video texture player ive set:

    video.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
    video.loop = true;
    video.playsInline = true;
    video.muted = true;
    video.volume = 0;
// autoplay the video
    video.autoplay = true;

is there a way to let those videoTextures still play without touching the screen? i havend found a solution but i saw another project where the video texture is playing automatically but is loaded from an url. my files are in the project.

Thank you very much for your help!