Auto-unwrapping error


New to PlayCanvas, but so far absolutely LOVING it! Two questions though…

When I go to perform auto-unwrap, it gives me this error: ReferenceError: can’t find variable performance
and then it doesn’t perform the unwrapping. I’ve tried multiple browsers but still the same result. Anyone else experiencing this?

Second question: the realtime light maps look like an amazing feature, but is there a better tutorial on how to implement? It’s confusing as a newcomer. Do I check light map on the model? Bake? Go to the menu and check select bake light maps? Dunno…seems confusing and doesn’t really help.Everything looks so flat in my scene. May it’s due to my unwrapping not working? Any advice here?

UPDATE: Looks like the unwrapping error only occurs on my macbook in Safari and FF. On my PC, it works. Still, is there a better tutorial for the dynamic light mapping? What do properties do I need to set lights and models to?

Hi, could you please provide link to project and let me know which asset is not unwrapping?
Auto-unwrap tbh is just for convinience there, if you have ability to unwrap in 3d tools, it is better to do it there for better quality and quicker results.

It is all about experimentation, it is easier to start with dynamic lights, put them as you want, and then make them baked, that way your scene will perform better. Lightmapped vs dynamic shall look pretty much same, except lightmapped for now wont have specularity and there is no GI atm.

It is always better to share your link to the project so will be easier to tell exact things.

I have another problem with auto-unwrap.
After i’ve clicked it, the progress bar stills forever.

Even for not so big (i’m not sure abot that) model:

  • Vertices 189 244
  • Triangles 168 103
  • Meshes 106
  • Mesh Instances 106
  • Nodes 124

Info for administration (sorry, project is private):

That is actually not small :slight_smile:
Auto-unwrap is there for convenience that gives quick rough results. And it will take ages for big things, and I’ve seen when it couldn’t unwrap too complex models. As it is iterative algorithm.

I would suggest to auto-unwrapping in popular modelling tools you are using. You get better results that way.

Thx for reply!
I’m exporting from 3ds max in FBX.
Suppose, there can be no embedded UV (UVW) maps inside of FBX.
How to import UV map into PlayCanvas? Please, point me to the right doc. Thx!

If you have UV1 on model, it will be exported in FBX automatically. You can check docs for 3D’s Max how to do auto-unwrapping for lightmapping purposes there.