Auto unwrap pipeline gone?

I’m about to start lightmapping the models of a scene in Playcanvas and just found this documentation describing a super useful UV auto-unwrap function that can speed up this proses a lot: documentation (look at the end)

However, I cannot find this anywhere, and are starting to suspect it no longer exists…
Can anyone confirm so? Or am I just bad at looking?

UV Auto unwrap currently only works with JSON output and not GLB

We have a WIP version for FBX → GLB but still has some issues. The current workaround is to unwrap with UV1 set in your modelling package.

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ok, thx.
(would be nice if this was in the documentation btw)

Hello, is there any update on the above?

@slimbuck has done some work on this, but it’s not fully finished yet unfortunately.

Okay. Can we convert the model to JSON format while importing?

Yes, that path still works, and unwraps. In Settings, Assets Tasks, disable ‘Convert to GLB’ and reimport your model.

Its working now, thanks

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How can we duplicate the objects in JSON format models?

what do you mean by duplicate?