event is not called when user tabs out of screen

In my current project i have a sound source that is set to loop and i want to start and stop playing when certain events are fired. What i noticed is that if i tab out of the game window a moment before the event is fired i will not receive it when i tab back in and the audio source will stuck on a loop and when i place a breakpoint in the developer tools this all works normally :confused: .

Here are some code snippets to help explain, this code controls a slot machine:

1)every time a reel stops an event is fired.

ReelScript.prototype.ReelBounce = function(stopPoint)
    this.symbolsCreatedAfterTween = 0;
     setTimeout( () => 
                        this.isSpinning = false;
                        this.spinSpeed = 0;
                        },this.reelStopTime * 1000);

2)Once all reels have stopped a second event is fired

ReelsManager.prototype.ReelStopped = function()
    if(this.stoppedReels == this.reelsArray.length)
            console.log("all reels stopped");
            for(var i = 0; i<this.reelsArray.length; i++)
                    this.reelsArray[i].script.reelScript.isAllowedToSpin = true;
            this.stoppedReels = 0;

3)this last event finally calls the function that stops the sound

SlotMachineSoundManager.prototype.initialize = function() {,this.playSpinMusic,this);

SlotMachineSoundManager.prototype.stopSpinMusic = function(){

The stopSpinMusic function is not called if i tab out of the screen when the last reels is spinning. If i stay on the window or tab out early there is no issue. Really confused here.

Do all the logs appear in the console when you tab out?