Animation input error

Hi, everyone.
Now, I have just imported a animation assets.
then I have some errors
In bottom of playcanvas editor window, I have some errors.
It is following
“Uncaught indexSizeError. Failed to construct ‘imageData’: The inputData length is not a multiple of ‘4 width’”

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is this project / asset something you could share with us?


Hi, mvaligursky.
I also encountered the same error, when clicking on the animation file in glb format.

@Elliott - any idea what this could be?

@tanbing629 would you be able to share a public project with the issue for someone to look at please?

no problem. PlayCanvas 3D HTML5 Game Engine

u can see the error when clicking any animation file in glb format,but it doesn’t affect work

Seems fine here:

Unbelievable,I tried several browsers, but it’s still the same error.Engine version used:1.52.5

I tried to use the development version of Google browser without reporting any errors

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I’m not sure what’s going here to be honest. We haven’t had any other reports nor have I seen it before :thinking: