Alpha material artifacts

Hi, I noticed that in the latest version of Playcanvas in a transparent material (alpha) I can see small triangles. This is especially noticible if I rotate an object with this material. For example, I made a simple cube set X scale to 0.05. And if you put another darker object behind it, these artifacts becomes very visible.
Please check

Hi @Yurii,

Can you try running this with one of the previous releases? That may help pinpoint what engine version introduced this issue, if that’s the case.

Can you provide a reproducible project please? That will help a lot too

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I don’t know exactly in which version it started to appear, but a few months ago it was ok.
Here is a link to the test project: PlayCanvas 3D HTML5 Game Engine
I also found that most likely a problem in the light. If I set the “castShadow” property of the transparent object to “false”, then this artifacts will disappear. But it’s still strange that transparent objects and light casts such a visual defect.

So the triangles that you see are the shadow that is being cast from the glass plane to the box.

You can increase the resolution of the shadows to make them smoother:


If that’s the end result you are looking for.

Also reducing the shadows distance, to the minimum required, will increase the quality (resolution) of the shadow:


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Got it. @Leonidas thank you so much for the explanation

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