Adding skins to an online game help

I have online servers setup but I have no idea how to add skins.
If anyone has an idea how to do this I’m all ears.

well, there is no generell solution to your problem. It is a rather complex issue to tackle.
There are a couple of things you need to implement to have skins in your game, some of them could be:

storing skin data on your server (id, name etc.)
users / players would need to have some sort of storage which tells them which skin they own, at database with some api’s could help here.

You need to sync what a player wears each time you interact with other players, so other players can see the skins.

And in the end you need your skins that you apply on the materials of the player, weapon etc. skins could also have some particle effects and all the other stuff you could imagine but that depends on how complex you want to setup all of this.

But if you really have no idea on how to implement that, you should probably tackle some other issues first, build some deeper knowledge of things and stuff and visit the problem once you accumulated more knowledge.


@Sinlyu how would I add a simple ability to change color of your player?

Well the easiest way would be a tint i guess, but you would still need to sync your color index to the other players.