Hey Everyone!
I wanted to share some of my tests and also introduce you to X-Ray,
It was originally created as a real-time rendering tool for Maya but after doing some tests on WebGL, it can be a great tool for PlayCanvas users as well.
you can use baking lightmap, reflection, and SSS Maps and achieve prerender quality results in Play Canvas and Maya.
here are some of my tests and the link to the project.
you can also find X-Ray on gumroad:
X-Ray Realtime Rendering Tool - Perpetual (gumroad.com)
Hey that looks fantastic!
What’s the workflow here, you unwrap UV coordinates, bake lightmaps / emissive textures in Maya, and what are the next steps? Can you export the scene / model as a glb, or do you need to export individual textures and build up the scene from scratch in PlayCanvas?
i’m quite new to playcanvas so i haven’t done anything for easy exporting the scene to playcanvas, but it’s quite easy to use even without any additional exporter tool.
yes, you unwrap your UVs, and set up your scene in Maya just as you would with arnold render, using Arnold or Maya lights and arnold standard shader, and then you just press one button in X-Ray window and it will bake everything for you and save them to disk.
you can then import those maps into play canvas and assign them to your objects.