Access to imported file object tree

How can we access the imported model asset (FBX) and do changes to some of the objects.
For example, an FBX file contains digning table and 6 chairs. After importing, is it possible to hide one of te chairs? delete or copy any of them? Rather than re importing the whole FBX again.


For something like that, you are probably better off separating the table and chair into separate FBXs. Is that an option?

Not really, specially in case of complex scenes where the whole arrangement is done in the 3D design program (3ds max for example).
Breaking the scene into multiple FBX will increase the workflow time for importing and setting up the scene.
To be specific, what we are asking is someting similar to Uniy for example (or Others) style in importing the FBX.

If this is not available, maybe can be added to the roadmap as suggested feature.

We are developing this feature at the moment, ETA for this is end of this year, so not quite there yet.