2d vector graphics for your games

Hi everyone,

Happy new year and I hope you enjoyed your holidays. I spent some of mine playing with playcanvas and I really enjoyed it. :smile: I have a present for you all, basically, it’s a simple lib built on CreateJS to allow quick use of vector graphics created from any image editor, good for adding 2D graphics such as game items, menu and more on your playcanvas games. :slight_smile:

You can check it out here.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx51D0tatHE - Real time Demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfDbuSbUSM0 - Third Person Demo

Please let me know if you like it. Also, the project is open source so use, break, build as you see fit. :slight_smile: Thanks.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :smile: