3D model search engine

Hello all, we launched a 3D model search engine, which finds 3D models on the Internet with simple keyword search. The models can be previewed right on your browser without any plugins! (Chrome and Firefox recommended).

Here’s the link: http://www.yobi3d.com

Also check out our interview on The Verge

I :heart: this! So good for finding all kinds of models! Works really well with PlayCanvas, I just found this, uploaded into a project. Just Works™.



This is really cool!!

But how do I inport it into my PlayCanvas game?

You search for the model you want. Ideally, filter your search on FBX, DAE, OBJ and 3DS files (these are what PlayCanvas supports):

Choose a model, click the ‘download source’ link at the bottom left of the 3D preview. That will take you to the site where you can download the model.

Once downloaded, just drag the fbx/dae/obj/3ds file into the Editor’s Asset panel to upload to your PlayCanvas project.

Here I post another search engine for 3d models.

It has more than 2 millions 3d models indexed and its a great tool.


I hope it helps!