What cause Webgl Context Lost?

Unfortunately, I’m still facing the similar issue.

I just wonder why “null” is the beginning of the shader.

[Error] WebGL: context lost.
	createVertexArray (playcanvas.dbg.js:22825)
	setBuffers (playcanvas.dbg.js:22885)
	draw (playcanvas.dbg.js:22954)
	drawInstance (playcanvas.dbg.js:45531)
	renderForwardInternal (playcanvas.dbg.js:50846)
	renderForward (playcanvas.dbg.js:50865)
	renderRenderAction (playcanvas.dbg.js:51249)
	renderPassRenderActions (playcanvas.dbg.js:51164)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:51066)
	render (playcanvas.dbg.js:33869)
	render (playcanvas.dbg.js:59213)
	renderComposition (playcanvas.dbg.js:65273)
	render (playcanvas.dbg.js:65263)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:66282)
	start (playcanvas.dbg.js:65189)
	(익명 함수) (__start__.js:216)
	_loaded (playcanvas.dbg.js:64114)
	_preloadScripts (playcanvas.dbg.js:64910)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:64119)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:103143)
	_onSuccess (playcanvas.dbg.js:28399)
	_onReadyStateChange (playcanvas.dbg.js:28364)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:28300)

[Error] Failed to compile vertex shader:

1:	#version 300 es
11:	#define attribute in
12:	#define varying out
13:	#define texture2D texture
14:	#define GL2
15:	#define VERTEXSHADER
19:	vec2 getGrabScreenPos(vec4 clipPos) {
20:	    vec2 uv = (clipPos.xy / clipPos.w) * 0.5 + 0.5;
23:	    return uv;
24:	}
28:	vec2 getImageEffectUV(vec2 uv) {
30:	    return uv;
31:	}
32:	#define SHADER_NAME LitShader
33:	#define FORWARD_PASS
34:	#define FORWARD_PASS
35:	varying vec3 vPositionW;
36:	varying vec3 vNormalW;
37:	varying vec2 vUv0;
39:	attribute vec3 vertex_position;
40:	attribute vec3 vertex_normal;
41:	attribute vec4 vertex_tangent;
42:	attribute vec2 vertex_texCoord0;
43:	attribute vec2 vertex_texCoord1;
44:	attribute vec4 vertex_color;
46:	uniform mat4 matrix_viewProjection;
47:	uniform mat4 matrix_model;
48:	uniform mat3 matrix_normal;
50:	vec3 dPositionW;
51:	mat4 dModelMatrix;
52:	mat3 dNormalMatrix;
54:	vec2 getUv0() {
55:	    return vertex_texCoord0;
56:	}
59:	mat4 getModelMatrix() {
60:	    return matrix_model;
61:	}
63:	vec4 getPosition() {
64:	    dModelMatrix = getModelMatrix();
65:	    vec3 localPos = vertex_position;
70:	    vec4 posW = dModelMatrix * vec4(localPos, 1.0);
71:	    dPositionW = posW.xyz;
73:	    vec4 screenPos;
74:	    screenPos = matrix_viewProjection * posW;
77:	    return screenPos;
78:	}
80:	vec3 getWorldPosition() {
81:	    return dPositionW;
82:	}
85:	vec3 getNormal() {
86:	    dNormalMatrix = matrix_normal;
88:	    vec3 tempNormal = vertex_normal;
92:	    return normalize(dNormalMatrix * tempNormal);
93:	}
96:	void main(void) {
97:	    gl_Position = getPosition();
98:	   vPositionW    = getWorldPosition();
99:	   vNormalW = getNormal();
100:	   vec2 uv0 = getUv0();
101:	   vUv0 = uv0;
103:	}
 – {source: "#version 300 es↵#define COLOR_ATTACHMENT_0↵#define…rmal();↵   vec2 uv0 = getUv0();↵   vUv0 = uv0;↵↵}", shader: Shader}
{source: "#version 300 es↵#define COLOR_ATTACHMENT_0↵#define…rmal();↵   vec2 uv0 = getUv0();↵   vUv0 = uv0;↵↵}", shader: Shader}Objectshader: Shader {meshUniformBufferFormat: undefined, meshBindGroupFormat: undefined, id: 70, device: WebglGraphicsDevice, definition: Object, …}Shadersource: "#version 300 es↵#define COLOR_ATTACHMENT_0↵#define COLOR_ATTACHMENT_1↵#define COLOR_ATTACHMENT_2↵#define COLOR_ATTACHMENT_3↵#defin…"Object 견본
	_isCompiled (playcanvas.dbg.js:20278)
	finalize (playcanvas.dbg.js:20199)
	setShader (playcanvas.dbg.js:23552)
	renderForwardInternal (playcanvas.dbg.js:50781)
	renderForward (playcanvas.dbg.js:50865)
	renderRenderAction (playcanvas.dbg.js:51249)
	renderPassRenderActions (playcanvas.dbg.js:51164)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:51066)
	render (playcanvas.dbg.js:33869)
	render (playcanvas.dbg.js:59213)
	renderComposition (playcanvas.dbg.js:65273)
	render (playcanvas.dbg.js:65263)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:66282)
	start (playcanvas.dbg.js:65189)
	(익명 함수) (__start__.js:216)
	_loaded (playcanvas.dbg.js:64114)
	_preloadScripts (playcanvas.dbg.js:64910)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:64119)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:103143)
	_onSuccess (playcanvas.dbg.js:28399)
	_onReadyStateChange (playcanvas.dbg.js:28364)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:28300)

[Error] Error compiling shader [Shader Id 70 LitShader-forward-proc] for material=PRIMARY_BELT_INT_FABRIC pass=0 objDefs=65556

_activeLightingParams: Set {} (0)

_activeParams: Set {"material_ambient", "material_diffuse", "material_specular", "material_gloss", "material_emissive", …} (14)

_alphaFade: 1

_alphaTest: 0

_ambient: Color {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1, clone: function, …}

_ambientSH: null

_ambientTint: false

_anisotropy: 0

_aoDetailMap: null

_aoDetailMapChannel: "g"

_aoDetailMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_aoDetailMapRotation: 0

_aoDetailMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_aoDetailMapUv: 0

_aoDetailMode: "mul"

_aoMap: null

_aoMapChannel: "r"

_aoMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_aoMapRotation: 0

_aoMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_aoMapUv: 0

_aoUvSet: 0

_aoVertexColor: false

_aoVertexColorChannel: "g"

_assetReferences: {diffuseMap: AssetReference, specularMap: AssetReference, glossMap: AssetReference, normalMap: AssetReference, cubeMap: AssetReference}

_attenuation: Color {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1, clone: function, …}

_attenuationDistance: 0

_blendState: BlendState {target0: 62930952, setColorBlend: function, setAlphaBlend: function, setColorWrite: function, copy: function, …}

_bumpiness: 1.721

_chunks: {}

_clearCoat: 0

_clearCoatBumpiness: 1

_clearCoatGloss: 1

_clearCoatGlossInvert: false

_clearCoatGlossMap: null

_clearCoatGlossMapChannel: "r"

_clearCoatGlossMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_clearCoatGlossMapRotation: 0

_clearCoatGlossMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_clearCoatGlossMapUv: 0

_clearCoatGlossVertexColor: false

_clearCoatGlossVertexColorChannel: "r"

_clearCoatMap: null

_clearCoatMapChannel: "r"

_clearCoatMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_clearCoatMapRotation: 0

_clearCoatMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_clearCoatMapUv: 0

_clearCoatNormalMap: null

_clearCoatNormalMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_clearCoatNormalMapRotation: 0

_clearCoatNormalMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_clearCoatNormalMapUv: 0

_clearCoatVertexColor: false

_clearCoatVertexColorChannel: "r"

_conserveEnergy: true

_cubeMap: null

_cubeMapProjection: 0

_cubeMapProjectionBox: BoundingBox {center: Vec3, halfExtents: Vec3, _min: Vec3, _max: Vec3, add: function, …}

_customFragmentShader: null

_depthState: DepthState {data: 11, copy: function, clone: function, equals: function}

_diffuse: Color {r: 0.615686274509804, g: 0.592156862745098, b: 0.5450980392156862, a: undefined, clone: function, …}

_diffuseDetailMap: null

_diffuseDetailMapChannel: "rgb"

_diffuseDetailMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_diffuseDetailMapRotation: 0

_diffuseDetailMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_diffuseDetailMapUv: 0

_diffuseDetailMode: "mul"

_diffuseMap: Texture {name: "BELT_CARPET_SUEDE.jpg", _isRenderTarget: false, _gpuSize: 1398100, id: 53, _invalid: false, …}

_diffuseMapChannel: "r"

_diffuseMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_diffuseMapRotation: 0

_diffuseMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_diffuseMapUv: 0

_diffuseTint: true

_diffuseVertexColor: false

_diffuseVertexColorChannel: "rgb"

_dirtyBlend: false

_dirtyShader: true

_emissive: Color {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1, clone: function, …}

_emissiveIntensity: 1

_emissiveMap: null

_emissiveMapChannel: "rgb"

_emissiveMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_emissiveMapRotation: 0

_emissiveMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_emissiveMapUv: 0

_emissiveTint: false

_emissiveVertexColor: false

_emissiveVertexColorChannel: "rgb"

_enableGGXSpecular: false

_envAtlas: Texture {name: "RS4L_INTERIOR_part_0", _isRenderTarget: false, _gpuSize: 1048576, id: 109, _invalid: false, …}

_fastTbn: false

_forceUv1: false

_fresnelModel: 0

_gloss: 0.5378000000000001

_glossInvert: false

_glossMap: Texture {name: "BELT_CARPET_SUEDE.jpg", _isRenderTarget: false, _gpuSize: 1398100, id: 53, _invalid: false, …}

_glossMapChannel: "r"

_glossMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_glossMapRotation: 0

_glossMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_glossMapUv: 0

_glossVertexColor: false

_glossVertexColorChannel: "g"

_heightMap: null

_heightMapChannel: "r"

_heightMapFactor: 1

_heightMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_heightMapRotation: 0

_heightMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_heightMapUv: 0

_iridescence: 0

_iridescenceMap: null

_iridescenceMapChannel: "g"

_iridescenceMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_iridescenceMapRotation: 0

_iridescenceMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_iridescenceMapUv: 0

_iridescenceRefractionIndex: 0.6666666666666666

_iridescenceThicknessMap: null

_iridescenceThicknessMapChannel: "g"

_iridescenceThicknessMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_iridescenceThicknessMapRotation: 0

_iridescenceThicknessMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_iridescenceThicknessMapUv: 0

_iridescenceThicknessMax: 0

_iridescenceThicknessMin: 0

_iridescenceThicknessVertexColor: false

_iridescenceThicknessVertexColorChannel: "g"

_iridescenceVertexColor: false

_iridescenceVertexColorChannel: "g"

_lightMap: null

_lightMapChannel: "rgb"

_lightMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_lightMapRotation: 0

_lightMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_lightMapUv: 1

_lightVertexColor: false

_lightVertexColorChannel: "rgb"

_metalness: 1

_metalnessMap: null

_metalnessMapChannel: "r"

_metalnessMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_metalnessMapRotation: 0

_metalnessMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_metalnessMapUv: 0

_metalnessVertexColor: false

_metalnessVertexColorChannel: "g"

_msdfMap: null

_msdfMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_msdfMapRotation: 0

_msdfMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_msdfMapUv: 0

_msdfTextAttribute: false

_nineSlicedMode: undefined

_normalDetailMap: null

_normalDetailMapBumpiness: 1

_normalDetailMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_normalDetailMapRotation: 0

_normalDetailMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_normalDetailMapUv: 0

_normalMap: Texture {name: "CLOTH_BELT_N.jpg", _isRenderTarget: false, _gpuSize: 0, id: 40, _invalid: false, …}

_normalMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_normalMapRotation: 0

_normalMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_normalMapUv: 0

_normalizeNormalMap: true

_occludeDirect: false

_occludeSpecular: 1

_occludeSpecularIntensity: 1

_opacity: 1

_opacityFadesSpecular: true

_opacityMap: null

_opacityMapChannel: "r"

_opacityMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_opacityMapRotation: 0

_opacityMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_opacityMapUv: 0

_opacityVertexColor: false

_opacityVertexColorChannel: "a"

_pixelSnap: false

_prefilteredCubemaps: [null, null, null, null, null, null] (6)

_reflectivity: 0.35

_refraction: 0

_refractionIndex: 0.6666666666666666

_refractionMap: null

_refractionMapChannel: "g"

_refractionMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_refractionMapRotation: 0

_refractionMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_refractionMapUv: 0

_refractionVertexColor: false

_refractionVertexColorChannel: "g"

_scene: Scene {_callbacks: Map, _callbackActive: Map, ambientBake: false, ambientBakeOcclusionBrightness: 0, ambientBakeOcclusionContrast: 0, …}

_shader: null

_shaderVersion: 0

_shadingModel: 1

_sheen: Color {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1, clone: function, …}

_sheenGloss: 0

_sheenGlossInvert: false

_sheenGlossMap: null

_sheenGlossMapChannel: "g"

_sheenGlossMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_sheenGlossMapRotation: 0

_sheenGlossMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_sheenGlossMapUv: 0

_sheenGlossVertexColor: false

_sheenGlossVertexColorChannel: "g"

_sheenMap: null

_sheenMapChannel: "rgb"

_sheenMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_sheenMapRotation: 0

_sheenMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_sheenMapUv: 0

_sheenVertexColor: false

_sheenVertexColorChannel: "rgb"

_specular: Color {r: 0.18823529411764706, g: 0.1843137254901961, b: 0.1843137254901961, a: 1, clone: function, …}

_specularMap: Texture {name: "BELT_CARPET_SUEDE.jpg", _isRenderTarget: false, _gpuSize: 1398100, id: 53, _invalid: false, …}

_specularMapChannel: "r"

_specularMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_specularMapRotation: 0

_specularMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_specularMapUv: 0

_specularTint: true

_specularVertexColor: false

_specularVertexColorChannel: "rgb"

_specularityFactor: 1

_specularityFactorMap: null

_specularityFactorMapChannel: "g"

_specularityFactorMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_specularityFactorMapRotation: 0

_specularityFactorMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_specularityFactorMapUv: 0

_specularityFactorTint: false

_specularityFactorVertexColor: false

_specularityFactorVertexColorChannel: "g"

_sphereMap: null

_thickness: 0

_thicknessMap: null

_thicknessMapChannel: "g"

_thicknessMapOffset: Vec2 {x: 0, y: 0, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_thicknessMapRotation: 0

_thicknessMapTiling: Vec2 {x: 1, y: 1, add: function, add2: function, addScalar: function, …}

_thicknessMapUv: 0

_thicknessVertexColor: false

_thicknessVertexColorChannel: "g"

_twoSidedLighting: false

_uniformCache: {ambient: Float32Array [0, 0, 0], diffuse: Float32Array [0.022012995555996895, 0.023103555664420128, 0.016988052055239677], specular: Float32Array [0.025371277704834938, 0.02422294206917286, 0.02422294206917286], emissive: Float32Array [0, 0, 0]}

_useDynamicRefraction: false

_useFog: true

_useGammaTonemap: true

_useIridescence: false

_useLighting: true

_useMetalness: false

_useMetalnessSpecularColor: false

_useSheen: false

_useSkybox: true

alphaToCoverage: false

cull: 1

depthBias: 0

dirty: true

id: 177

meshInstances: [MeshInstance, MeshInstance, MeshInstance] (3)

metalnessTint: false


parameters: {material_ambient: {scopeId: null, data: Float32Array [0, 0, 0]}, material_diffuse: {scopeId: null, data: Float32Array [0.022012995555996895, 0.023103555664420128, 0.016988052055239677]}, material_specular: {scopeId: null, data: Float32Array [0.025371277704834938, 0.02422294206917286, 0.02422294206917286]}, material_gloss: {scopeId: null, data: 0.5378000000000001}, material_emissive: {scopeId: null, data: Float32Array [0, 0, 0]}, …}

shaderOptBuilder: StandardMaterialOptionsBuilder {_mapXForms: null, updateMinRef: function, updateRef: function, _updateSharedOptions: function, _updateUVOptions: function, …}

slopeDepthBias: 0

stencilBack: null

stencilFront: null

userId: ""

validated: true

variants: Map {"0_65556_1235595104" => Shader {meshUniformBufferFormat: undefined, meshBindGroupFormat: undefined, id: 70, device: WebglGraphicsDevice, definition: Object, …}} (1)

StandardMaterial 견본
	error (playcanvas.dbg.js:1754)
	renderForwardInternal (playcanvas.dbg.js:50782)
	renderForward (playcanvas.dbg.js:50865)
	renderRenderAction (playcanvas.dbg.js:51249)
	renderPassRenderActions (playcanvas.dbg.js:51164)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:51066)
	render (playcanvas.dbg.js:33869)
	render (playcanvas.dbg.js:59213)
	renderComposition (playcanvas.dbg.js:65273)
	render (playcanvas.dbg.js:65263)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:66282)
	start (playcanvas.dbg.js:65189)
	(익명 함수) (__start__.js:216)
	_loaded (playcanvas.dbg.js:64114)
	_preloadScripts (playcanvas.dbg.js:64910)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:64119)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:103143)
	_onSuccess (playcanvas.dbg.js:28399)
	_onReadyStateChange (playcanvas.dbg.js:28364)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:28300)

[Error] Error while loading scene JSON 1652653.json: Argument 1 ('shader') to WebGL2RenderingContext.shaderSource must be an instance of WebGLShader
shaderSource@[native code]
	(익명 함수) (__start__.js:213)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:64122)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:103154)
	_onSuccess (playcanvas.dbg.js:28401)
	_onReadyStateChange (playcanvas.dbg.js:28364)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:28300)

[Error] ASSERT FAILED:  – "The application can be started only one time."
	assert (playcanvas.dbg.js:1663)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:65173)
	call (playcanvas.dbg.js:1690)
	start (playcanvas.dbg.js:65172)
	(익명 함수) (__start__.js:216)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:64122)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:103154)
	_onSuccess (playcanvas.dbg.js:28401)
	_onReadyStateChange (playcanvas.dbg.js:28364)
	(익명 함수) (playcanvas.dbg.js:28300)

The null is not in the shader. It is an info log returned from WebGL when it encounters an issue. In this case, it means it has no additional logs. After that goes the shader code.

Typically the null appears there as an error message when trying to compile a shader when the device is lost. It does not indicate error in the shader (that would print a normal error pointing to a line in the shader), but just a fact the shader compilation failed for other reason.

Could it be related to something like this?

I added handling of this situation, see here for details:

(This will be released with the next engine release in the relatively near future)

1 Like

Hi, we recently meet the same problem here. I thing the compile function should just return ’ When the context is lost’ in WebglShader class. For we’ve met the error below. gl.createShader is called before knowing the context is lost or not. Could you give a second check on this?


Sure, done here, thanks: [Fix] Improve handling of lost device on WebGL by mvaligursky · Pull Request #7121 · playcanvas/engine · GitHub

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