VR left and right eyes are opposite

The official webvr lab method used in my project.
If you can’t see the car clearly with VR glasses, there will be double shadow.

this.camera.camera.enterVr(function (err) {
     if (err) {

WebVR Tracked Controllers
This is the official webvr tracked controllers.
This one uses Google VR.
Sorry, the new user can’t put two pictures to see if they can add in the reply.

Can you use the entervr method to achieve the same effect as Google VR? The left eye is farther away from the left, and the right eye is farther away from the right, or there are other methods to adjust. The project cannot rely on Google VR.

I don’t know VR terms. I hope it can be described clearly

This is the official webvr tracked controllers.

This is the official example, using the entervr method

The official example looks correct.

Are you saying that your own project, that the VR display is wrong and you can’t work out why?

Just tried your example and it works fine on my Pixel 2 XL and Google Cardboard

Excuse me, I put the mobile phone with 6.65 inch screen in the VR glasses box with the maximum size of 6 inch. Is there any way to adapt the 6.65 inch screen to 6 inch

Maybe you can change it in the Google Cardboard settings and/or Google Cardboard app?

See threads like this https://www.reddit.com/r/GoogleCardboard/comments/7gpq0s/my_screen_is_too_big_for_my_cardboard/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_body

Beyond that, you may just need to get a bigger Google Cardboard viewer.

The link you provided cannot be viewed

Seems fine on my end, is reddit blocked by your internet provider?

Yes, it seems that QR code can’t affect chrome browsing VR page.

Webvr, which relies on Google VR, will optimize mobile phones with a screen size larger than 6 inches. There will be a gap from the edge of the screen to the field of vision. The VR glasses box with 6 inches can also view webvr normally

Is there any way to achieve this effect with entervr

Can you share a link to your project please? It be good to see what your setup is.


I can’t reproduce your issue with my 6 inch Google Pixel 2 XL with a Google Cardboard device unfortunately.

The project is private but looking at your source code, it looks like it is using the older WebVR API. This does feel like a Google Cardboard settings issue on your local device and/or the WebVRPolyfill not recognising your phone.

However, if the tracked controllers project is working for you (which is using the newer WebXR API), I recommend switching over to use that API instead.

There’s a simple Hello World example here to get you setup :slight_smile: https://developer.playcanvas.com/en/tutorials/webvr-hello-world/

I have used the new webxr API, but it requires mobile phones to install Google VR app. It is difficult to install Google VR app in China, which is not convenient for business (we are a Chinese company)

I’m not sure what to suggest here. Both WebVR and WebXR rely on Google Cardboard settings.

AFAIK, the WebVr polyfill relies on the phone database here https://github.com/immersive-web/webvr-polyfill-dpdb

How to use this, need to download and then local configuration to put into their own server

This is where you are more or less on your own for this.

You have to force to use the polyfill (if that’s possible) and change the config to point to your own hosted JSON file https://github.com/immersive-web/webvr-polyfill/blob/e2958490653bfcda4df83881d554bcdb641cf45b/src/config.js#L63

However, if you go down this route, you must add configs for all devices that you will support.